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'WHAT...JUST...happened?!' That was the first thing that she asked herself when she came back to her senses after French kissing Phoenix. 'Really? Did I really do that? What on earth possessed me to do that?' So many questions kept ringing inside her head as Phoenix holds her hand towards the cottage of Mrs. Rickins. Her heart was still pounding and her knees are still shaking which she wished Phoenix would not notice.

She hoped that there were no CCTV cameras recording what just happened or else, she'll die of shame.

She knows she is not supposed to be overreacting about what happened since it is a normal thing for married couples to do something like that and...some other stuffs, but she is new to all of this. Come on...'Did I really say that it felt good? What the heck? Was that even me?'

It did feel good though, if she's going to be honest. 'So that's how French kiss feels.' Oh boy, she needs to stop thinking about it or she'll probably lose it.

"Stop biting your lip Jewel..." Phoenix suddenly said with a sly smile on his lips.

She didn't notice that they already stopped and reached the cottage and that she was actually biting her lower lip.

She immediately cleared her mind of what just happened. Well...tried.

They entered the cottage and was greeted by the wide-eyed Mrs. Rickins who blurted out saying, "What on earth happened to the both of you?! Why are you both so wet?"

Phoenix answered, "We got carried away with watering the plants."

'Great excuse, Mister.' Jewel thought sarcastically.

"Can we borrow some towels Mrs. Rickins? I don't want my wife to catch a cold."

She glanced at him. " sweet."

"Seriously, I don't want you to get sick again because it's such a hassle taking care of you." He said with a hint of mockery.

"Hey...I thought that you were really concerned for me." She complained.

Phoenix laughed and she just pouted.

It was strange. The atmosphere between them was suddenly so light and clear, without a hint of any awkwardness or insincerity. It's like they were two ordinary friends.

She felt like she was back to the past with the old Phoenix whom she spent her childhood with. Like nothing awkward just happened between them. Okay, she really needs to stop thinking about that.

However, even when he's being sarcastic, it's not offensive.

Mrs. Rickins, who seemed very worried with their situation, scurried to the door behind the counter. She then came back with two white towels in her hand.

"Here you go." She said as she handed them the towels. "Dry yourselves inside the bathroom. But I may have to apologize. I don't have any extra clothes for you to wear, except the unused uniforms of my former employees. They were supposed to be worn for a show, but got cancelled because only few people bought the tickets. But...I don't know if you would wear something like those...especially you Sir Wade." She said.

Jewel snickered. 'The disadvantages of being rich: prone to immediate judgments.'

"What are you laughing at, huh wife?" Phoenix glared at him.

Instead of getting scared, she only laughed more. "Sorry... I told you that I won't judge... But I agree with Mrs. Rickins. An employee uniform won't probably suit you."

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