44. wounded

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina, Robin, Steve, and Nancy all make it to the edge of the woods near Eddie's trailer, but then they notice something's wrong.

Oh, God.

Three shadowy people are mere meters away from Eddie's trailer, covered with sheets of metal and chain-link fences. But one is sitting down, one is pacing back and forth, but it looked like they're hurt by the way they're wobbling, and another is knelt down next to the one on the ground.

The four all run toward the shadows, being met with Dustin pacing, Lucas is ripping off pieces of his shirt and...

Gina recognizes the person sitting on the ground as Eddie, only realizing the extent of his injuries once she gets closer.

Bite marks cover his stomach, blood seeping through his dirt covered Hellfire shirt.

Lucas takes a piece of cloth and presses down on one of the wounds, Eddie wincing at the sudden pressure.

"Oh, fuck, what happened?" Gina shouts, hitting Lucas in the arm to get his attention.

"The bats," is all Lucas could say, gesturing around to hundreds of the bats lying dead on the ground.

Nancy looks around. "Well, how are we going to get him through?"

Steve tells Robin to help him carry Eddie to the trailer, Robin carrying his legs and Steve having his arms wrapped around Eddie's, careful not to touch the wounds.

Slowly but surely, they make it to the trailer, Steve managing to make it through the gate with Eddie, who is slipping in and out of consciousness at this point.

Rushing out of the right side up version of the trailer, they all run into the RV, Steve throwing the keys at Gina, yelling, "hospital!"

Gina speeds out of the trailer park, tearing down the road and to Hawkins Memorial.

During the drive, she can hear her heart beating in her ears as Dustin keeps talking to keep Eddie awake.

Once they make it to the hospital, Dustin and Steve take no time to get Eddie out of the RV and into the lobby.

"We need help!" Dustin shouts as Gina rushes into the building.


⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  After the doctors start to focus on Eddie, the group is left to wait in the lobby for God knows how long. It could take hours, is what the receptionist said.

As Gina's waiting, all the adrenaline wears off and her heart drops. "Where's Max?" she says to no one in particular, just to anyone who will tell her the answer.

When nobody answers her, she runs to the front desk. "Is anyone here named Max? Max Mayfield?"

The lady types on her computer before telling Gina that Max isn't there.

Oh shit.

Gina runs out of the hospital, ready to run all the way to the Creel house if she had to.

As she runs by the ambulances not being used, one speeds by her, light and sirens blaring.

Once it stops, she runs towards it. Although the EMT's push her away, she hears her name being called.


Then, Max runs out of the back of the ambulance into Gina's arms, her face red and her cheeks stained with tears.

"Are you okay?" Gina asks her urgently, looking at Max up and down, but she seems...fine. "What happened?"

Max looks Gina in the eyes, fresh tears forming. "It's Steph."

The second it all clicks in Gina's head, she sees a flash of yellow going through the hospital doors, a stretcher being wheeled in.

Gina runs to follow it, taking Max's hand and dragging her along.

Doctors rush towards the EMT's, who are shouting things like Stephanie's name, age, and something about stab wounds.

When Steve hears this, he runs up to the stretcher, seeing Stephanie unconscious with a mask over her mouth and nose.

The doctors push him back, but he shouts, "that's my sister!" as they wheel the stretcher to a room.

Still, they push him and Max out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"Shit!" Steve yells, hitting the door, then covering his face with his hands.

Max goes back to Gina, wrapping her arms around Gina's waist and crying into her shoulder.

Gina hugs back, watching Steve cry into his hands.

It seems that time is moving in slow motion, like nothing is actually happening because 'nothing like that would ever happen'

Max and Gina stay in their hug, the room being filled with muffled sobs.



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