Part 28

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"umm i was watching a movie with ky "i said trying not to act nervouse "where is he "justin asked "in the bathroom "i said in a boring voice then the bathroom door flew open "hey bro why are you here you said you were spending the night with sophie "ky said nervouse

"i got tired "justin said through gritted teeth "um i should leave see you later sara "ky said walking out when justin heard the fron door close he closed the bedroom door and walked to me and sat on the bed facing me "you know im not that stupid sara i know that you had sex with him "he said through gritted teeth "what are you talking about "i said about to cry

"you know for tha fact that you underwear under the bed and your lips are swollen and you have a huge hickey on your neck oh and the fact that ky forgot his belt on the table you know im not that stupid you know i dont care if you have sex but can you at least not do it on my bed and was he worth it that you gave him you virginity "he said angrly

and at that point i was crying i didnt know what to say my whole body was shaking he left the bedroom i walked to the bathroom to wash my face which was really hard i can stilll feel his dick inside my i feel so sore i washed my faced and walked out the bathroom to find justin lying in bed wanting to sleep i stopped at the bathroom door "come here "he said kindly

i walked to him he saw that it was hard to walk so he walked to me carried me to bed and wrapped his hand around my "im sorry "i said crying "i know "he said caressing my hair "its just if you want it so bad you ask my to do it not one of my friends "he said smiling i smiled back and my eyes started to drift



"hey babe how are you feeling"justin said kissing my forehead "not so well "i said tiredly "yeah you dont look so well either" justin said "hey the boys are coming over in a few minutes wanna join "justin asked"yeah but in gonna take a shower first it could make the headache go away"i said "ok dont take too long and take your phone in with you in case you dont feel well"he said

smiling "ok"i said and walked to the bathroom god i feel so tired and i have a massive headache and i keep throwing up and my fucking period is late two weeks i cant be pregnant can i no of course not ofcourse ky use protection but i dont remeber him wearing condom i should ask him soon i finished showering and threw on a denim short and a crop top which justin's wasnts vey happy about,

i walked and sat beside him on the couch and the guy were already there "hey guys "i said "wooh what happened to you you look pale"ryan said "yeah maybe shes sick "justin said pulling me to him until there was no more space between us, ky was quite the whole time he didnt say a word we decided to watch a movie half a way through the movie the door bell rang justin opened it and walked with two boxes of pizza i grabbed one slice of pizza and started eating it after i finished it justinn looked at me "want another one "justin asked

"not im full "i said "but you only ate one slice "he said concenred"yeah my somach hurts "i said "wanna take you to the doctor "just as he finished he sentence i felt the food coming up again i ran to the bathroom and threw everything out after a few seconds i felt someone grab my hair out of my face i looked and it was justin and ky was standing at the door "let go im taking you to the doctor "justin said "no justin im fine "i said quickly "no your not"justin said

"hey can i talk to sarah for a minute alone "ky spoke "ok"justin said eying ky, ky helped me get up and walked me to the room and closed the door i sat on the bed and he stood infront of me not knowng exactly what to say so i spoke first "um ky you used condom right "i asked scared of his answer "what do you mean i used condom arent you on birth control pills"he asked panicking "no im not why would you assume that "i asked screaming

"because your fucking married "he screamed back "im fucking virgin and you know that "i start crying "OH SHIT "he said and i cried more "my period is late two weeks "i cried he walked to me and hugged me "ok ok shush calm down well figure it out "he said

"tomorrow ill pick you up and go visit a doctor ok "he said and i nodded "what im going to tell justin if im pregnant "i cried "its fine well figure i out together" he said "come on wash your face and act natural "he said i walked to the bathroom and washed my face when i came out ky was still sitting on my bed "hey can you tell justin that im not feeling well and im going to sleep"i said

and he nodded and walked out the door,after a while i felt a kiss on my forehead "goodnight"justin said and i felt asleep. i woke up the next morning and found justin laying in the bed staring at me while im sleeping "good morning creepy "i said smiling "you know you look beautiful "justin said and i blushed and hid my face he grabbed my chin and looked to my eyes

"hey dont hide from me " he looked at me and i smiled back "hey when are you going with ky "he asked "what "i asked shocked "why are you shocked he said you two are going to the mall to buy a gift for his cousin "he said wo nice one ky

"yeah i completly forgot i'll probably call him and check "i said smiling and justin leaned in and connected his lips to mine it was a quick pick but i felt in a whole diffrent world i felt electricety i didnt feel with ky i didnt want to pull out ever wow this is wierd but evntually he pulled away smiling and rested his forehead on mine "

hey what is the country your dying to visit oneday" he asked "paris"i said quickly "why "he asked smiling "i would love to go to efil tower oh and i would die to go to disney land i wanted to go there since i was little kid but i didnt get the chance "i said smiling like a kid "um"he said smiling "um i should go change and call ky "i said and his eyes showed sadness"umm yeah you "he said i kissed his cheeks and walked to the bathroom this is going to be a long day.


so what do you think is she pregnant or not if she is what is she going to say to justin

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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