part 9

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so we went inside to unpack our bags which took us maybe two hours and it looks like i have to share my closet with justin,

but when i was about to change into my PJs i didnt found my other PJs i only found the one that me and ashley bought from victoria secret that i told her im not wearing WTF why did ashley remove my PJs when i didnt know

'' is everything ok ? ''justin asked '' um yeah ''i said then took my phone and went to the living room

'' oh hey sara hows everthing going ''she asked '' ashley what the fuck why did you remove my pajamas how im i suppose to sleep now ''i said angrily

'' because these are better ''she said coldly but when i look inside the room justin was setting beside my bag and holding red lace pajama and a huge grin on his face i quickly hung the phone and snached it from his hand ''why dont you want to wear those i like thim ''he said

''its not your fucking business''i said angrliy but soon i was pushed to the wall ''lessen here you little bitch yell at me like this again at it will be you last day ok ? ''he yelled at me pushing me harder on the wall i was so scared but i nodded my eyes were strating to water but when he locked his eyes with mine his eyes soften

'' ill give you something to wear ok ? ''he said and i nodded

''im sleeping on the bed and you sleeping on the couch ''he said while throwing one oh his shirts and a sweatpants i took it and went to the bathroom i wore his shirt first which smells like him but i went ti my mid thight so i thought im not wearing the sweatpants and its so big so i opened the door and saw justin laying on the bed in only boxer and my eyes traled on his body his had alot of tatoos , oh those abs

'' like what you see ? ''justin said but i shakes my head and when i looked at him again he was staring at my body

'' why didnt you wear the pants''he asked ''its too big''i said and putting it on the chair then i went to the closet to search for a blanket but i didn find any

'' there is no blanket here you should've asked the room service but noe there closed so you sleeping without blanket ''he said but i didnt say a word and went to the living room and opened the tv and changed the channels after a few mintutes i saw justin getting out of the room and went to the kitchen to drink water but it was too distracting to concentrate on the tv while he is only walking in boxer but he soon went to the room and i continued changing channels but there was nothing to watch so i fall asleep


i kept turning around i couldnt this is the first time i sleep alone everynight i used to sleep with agirl beside be but who said im gonna stop because im married i dont care i checked the watch it was 3 AM i cant sleep i walked to the kitchen to drink water when i saw sara sleeping on the couch wearing my white large shirt which was now showing her stomach and her black lace panties god she's sexy

, what im i saying she not sexy i hate her i went and set beside her watching her angle face she looked peacful and beatiful while sleeping i stood up pulled her shirt down so she wont get cold and went to search for a blanket i couldnt find one so i covered her with the blanket im using , then i went back to the room and fall asleep


i woke up the next moring and saw that i was covered with a blanket where did that come from, i went to check on justin and saw him sleeping without blanket will im not going to cover i dont care then went to make us breakfast


i woke up by the smell of pancakes and eggs i went to the kitchen to see sara still wearing my shirt that goes to her mid thights ug that legs she then turn around and smiles

'' good morning ''she said smiling , i didnt reply just roll my eyes but looks like she's lossing her pattience which i really want then she brought two plates with pancakes and and eggs and backon and put it on the table smiling then she sit down and was about to eat

when i said '' your not gonna eat that right you should really quit eating so that boys will start looking at you , you know boys hate fat girls ''then i sw her smile drop and tears started to form on her eyes '' um yeah you can have it ''she said pushing her plate next to mine went to the bathroom.

after a few mintues the door rang when i opened it i was greeted with sophie the girl i met on the plane well i called her because im not feeling well and i want to have some fun

'' hey babe ''she said pushing me on the wall and kissing me well i needed this so i kissed back then it turned into makeout session i broke the kiss when i heared sara clear her throat ,

she was wearing a blue top that shows her stomach and white short shorts that goes under her ass and she wore her white converse and took a blue bag WTF where she think she's going wearing like this

'' where do you think your going ''i said while my eyes trailed on her body god shes hot '' out ''she said storming out of the door before i can say another word .


i swear im gonna make him fall in love with me and im gonna wear things that will make him go crazy i want him to tell me that he love then ill leave him and broke who do he think he is , i wore a blue crop top that shows some of my stomach and a really short shorts and wore my white converse and wore my fendi peekaboo mini bag i curled my hair and put slight mascara and a red lipstick i will go out and make him think that im sleeping with other man but i really dont know where im going to go

, i opened the room door and saw him making out with that slut on the plane so i cleared my throat justin eyes trailed on my body and my clothes and from the look from his eyes i can see that he didnt like it that im going out like this

'' where do you think your going ''he said angrly '' out'' i said and stormed out the door before he can say a word i know he's gonna be angry we i turn back but uurg i dont care.

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