part 13

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''why did you do that 'i screamed at ryan and jake '' what tha fuck justin so your now on her side ''chaz said ''no but you didnt need to do that to her they fucking burned her hand and bleed her leg''i said '' well she is a fat ugly slut she needed that ''ryan screamed and ky was just staring shocked about what they did i didnt say a word i walked to the room and closed the door i walked to the bathroom as i was about to knock i swear i heard her crying shoud i knock , after a few secong of hetitation i knocked the door ''sara ''i said and i heared her cleared her throat '' yeah ''she said but i can tell that she was crying from her voice '' open the door ''i said but she didnt reply '' open the door or i will break it ''i said '' just a minute'' she said and i heared the water sound so i quess shes washing her face so that i wont notice after a few seconeds the door was opened ans sara was standing there with her red face and a red hand from the hot water and her legs were slowly bleeding but she forced a smile on her face ''come sit  with us were going to watch a movie '' i said smiling '' can i stay here please ''she begged ''come on dont be such a baby ''i said and she smiled a real smile ''ok ill just get cleaned up and come ''she said '' no ill stay here to make sure that you come '' i said and she nodded she walked back to the bathrrom and i stood there leaning on the door frame and watching her she closed the toilet and set on it slowly removing the small glass on her leg and getting up and washing the blood of she then washed the burning area on her upper arm with cold water then we both headed to the living room were the boys are waiting for us to start the movie i sat between chaz and jack and sara sit next to ky on the edge on the couch and i can see the boys giving her death glares excipt for ky whose smiling at her his eyes were twenkiling i never saw him like that i think he has something for her but surley he cant and he wont have her because she is married to me poor ky you always fall in love with the wrong girl i saw her smiling at him and sitting closer to his as if she is seafer with him .


oh my good she is the most beatiful girl i have ever seen i dont knoe why the boys are treating her like this she should be treated like a princess god i wish she was mine i would try to make her happy all the time just the fact that shes sitting beside me on the couch is distracting really i didnt see anything from the movies i was staring at her from the corner of my eyes shes so beautiful the movie was done and justin told sara to go make a pizza so she walked to the kitchen after a few minutes i followed , she heared my footsteps and turn around and gave me a smile oh that smile '' hey do you need some help?''i asked smiling '' um sure ''she said smiling back to me god i think i fell in love ''um look sorry about my friend earlier really i dont know why are they acting like this and dont worry i would never do what they did to a women and im really sorry again ''i said looking deply in her eyes and she smiled '' its ok dont worry and thanks for apologising even that you didnt do anything really that means alot ''she said smiling and came to hug oh my god she is going to hug me so put my hands on her waist and she put her hands around my neck and hugged me and i hugged her back tightly like i dont want her to let go and i can see from the conrner of my eyes that justin is glaring at us and for my dissapointment sara breaks the hug and smiles i smiled back at her but didnt remove my hand from her waist.


after sara went to the kitchen to make pizza ky followed her i couldnt really hear what they were saying because of the tv but they were smiling to each other then he hugged her , her hands was aroung his neck and his hands was on her waist WAIT WHAT!!

his hand is on her waist

i repeat his hand ison her waist


i quickly got up and walked to the kitchen and see that she was smiling and his hand is still on her waist '' i think there is a pizza that should be made ''i said ans ky slowly pulled his hand and she walked to the microwave '' come on ''i said to chaz and walked back to the living room and chaz followed me , i made sure this time i sit on chaz place so he wont be able to sit beside her and he sit between chaz and jake after a few minutes sara came with a tray that has four plates and four coke and in evey plate there is five slices of pizza, she put it on the table and walked to sit on the couch beside me but she tried to sit as far as she can from me i stood up and walked to take a plate and so does the boys and ky never moves his eyes from sara he was just sitting there and smilling like a fool , i took my plate and walked back to the couch and sit next to sara and made sure to leave no space between us our legs were brushing and she tried to make space but there is no place to go like she was stuck between me and the hand rest of the couch '' why didnt you bring a plate for you ?''i whisper in her ear and i can tell that ky is burning holes on my head '' umm im not hungry '' she said then her stomach just make a noise which is hunger noice and i chuckled and said '' really ??''i said smiling and she nodded we finished eating and she took the plate to the kitchen and put them in the sink as she was about to start cleaning them '' guys lets play truth and dare '' jake tells and we nodded '' sara come here you can clean them later '' i screamed from the living room so she can hear then she left them there and come to the living room '' were playing truth or dare '' ryan said to her '' um i dont want to play '' she said awkwardly ''why ?'' chaz asked smiling '' um i dont like the game '' she said '' your playing '' i said glaring at her and she got the point and nodded we sat in a round circle i set next to sara and made sure that ky dont set next to her he sat oppisite of her and the boys next to him ryan spin the bottle and it stops on jake ''truth or dare ''asked ryan '' truth ''jake said '' did you ever had sex twice with the same girl ?''ryan asked and jake replayed like it was nohing '' no ''jake said then jake spin the bottle and it landed on me'' truth or dare ''jake asked '' truth ''i said '' ok bro um do you have a crush on someone at the moment ''jake asked i really dont know i dont think i like someone so no '' no i dont''i said then its my turn to spin the bottle and i landed on ky ''truth or dare ''i asked him '' truth ''he said yes just what i wanted '' do you think that sara is hot ?''i asked ''well yeah who doesnt '' he said and i can feel sara blush beside me.

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