part 19

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i knew something was wrong so i followed them quitly without them noticing and the boys were busy watching the movie , they walked to the kitchen and i followed them and stood beside the door to earn weird glances from the boy and i motioned them to keep quite  they walked to me and stood beside me to listen what sara and ky were about to talk about "when are you gonna tell him the truth "ky said to sara "what do you mean "sara said "sara dont act dump we both know that you didnt loose you memory and this is all an act "ky said "ok and why should i tell justin about it "sara said "because he is my friend and i dont like the idea of you using the accident to get closer to him and make him care about you he is my friend after all and i dont like people taking advantage of him and if your not gonna tell him i swear i well "ky said his voice little loud "ky low your voice i dont want them to hear us and you dont have the right to tell him the truth this is between  me and him and i think this way is better for me and him and  plus if you didnt notice he is acting nicer since the accident "sara said "yeah this is the thing he is acting nice to you because he think you are an annocent girl who lost her memory so he was trying to make it up to you "ky said and from here i couldnt take anymore i walked to the kitchen "what the fuck is he saying "i said to sara and she just stood there shock "answer me is he saying the truth "i yelled at her and  the boys quickly left the sweet room with ky and i was standing in the kitchen with sara i walked angrily to her and pushed her hard on the wall and she whimpered "answer me "i yelled at her face "justin let me explain "she said tears started to form in her eyes "explain what i just cant bileve that i belived you "i screamed at her face "justin i thought that this could be better to our relationship "she said crying "how explain to me how lying could be better to out relationship "i yelled "i thought maybe that you regretted how you used to do to me and maybe if i told you that i lost my memory maybe you will have to start and new start "she said "i would never ever regrett what i did to you, you know why ecuse you deserve every single thing you slut i just cant belive that i was about to say i love you and worst i was about to kiss i just can bileve it "i yelled and pushing her harder on the wall and i slapped her really hard i knew that that would leave a mark but i would care less now urg i hate her so much i throw her on the floor relly hard leaving her crying and walked out of the sweet and slammed the door shut i really need to get my mind out of this stuff maybe i should call sophie she always makes me feel good.


oh my god what have i done ,if it wasnt from ky he wouldnt know im so gonna kick his sorry ass ,urrg what should i do with justin he seemes do upset i shouldnt have done that i was so stupid maybe this make this more bad after all , ans all the boys was there so they literally know everything now maybe they will treat me bad again after they knew the truth, justin slapped me hard and throw me on the floor and walked out the sweet room and slammed the door god he was so angry i kept there laying on the floor crying then i stood up and walked to the bathroom i really need something to make me feel little good, i took of my bracelets to show my scars and i must say they are pretty bad ,i opened the tap to let the hot water falls on my wrist i slowly picked the razor and start digging it into my skin to let the blood drop into the sink i kept doing it until i felt like i took my punishment enough i walked to the room and changed from justin's shirt that he just let me wear into my shirt and as i was about to lay down the door of the room opened and i saw justin standing there and that bitch beside him "your not gonna sleep here anymore your gonna sleep on the fucking couch and from now i dont care were you go and come as long as you dont talk to me you heard that ?"he yelled at me and that slut smirked i was too shocked to reply so i just stood there not moving a muscle from my body "didnt you heard what i said "he said walking to me and yanking me from my shirt and throwing me out the room and didnt bothered to close the door he kept it open , i stood up and walked to the couch i layed down but i had no emotion i was so shocked after a few moments i heared moanes comming from the room and i can hear it perfectly because they didnt bother to close the door "mm baby "sophie said "god sophie you make me feel so good "justin moaned and i just couldnt take it anymore i put my head under the pillow to prevent hearing the sound and started to cry ,it's not like im jealous it's just the fact that my husband is cheating on me infront of my eyes and i couldnt do anything after half an hour the voice was gone so i guess that they fall asleep , soon i fall asleep too.


hey guys iv done a little editing I hope you like the chapter please vote and comment and tell which side are you with sara or justin and which character do you love the most ?

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