Part 26

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''um justin can i go to the mall i need to buy girls things''i asked,please say yes "i just bought you last week"he said noy paying attention and continue playing playstation "um i need more things please i won't take long "i begged "i don't care be back in an hour "he said ''ok thank you "i said happily "wait do you need money "he asked ,i didn't answer i was embaressed with the looks ryan and chad were giving me i didn't realise that he went to the room and walked back he handed me the money "don't talk to any stranger and don't be late "he told me ,i nodded and walked out.

''umm excuse me can i have appetite suppressant pills ?"i asked the guy working in the pharmacy he was near my age "umm i know its not my besniess but why do you need them you have a great body "he said smiling his eyes were ocean blue i would die for them "umm there not for me for my friend "i lied "ok but she should be really careful these are really powerful and you i mean she should eat very regularly ''he warned "um ok thank you "i payed and walked out.



i walked to CVS to buy things so i can show justin if he asked me and put the pills in my jeans pocket .i walked to the living room to be greeted with justin ,ryan,chad and sophie WHAAT ?? WTF IS SHE DOING HERE "what took you so long "justin said "umm its was very crowded "i lied i know im a bad lier "are you hungry were going to order pizza "ky said ,he is so sweet "umm no thanks "i said smilling and glared at sophie then walked to the bedroom, i should start taking these pills today if i want to see the changes, i took one pill and put it on the table next to the bed then changed into a yellow sweats and white tank and sat on the bed eww i dont even wanna think what they do on this bed.

after a while i heard a knock on the door then the door was open and ky stood there "hey"he said "hii chad "i said "umm justin and the boys and sophie are going out and the said that they are going to be late and i dont feel like going is it ok if i stay here with you ?" he asked ,why does he he nervouse ,i was to shocked to reply "um you know what its fine ill just go home" he said turning to walked out the door "um no ky wait ofcourse you can stay " i said quickly he turned around smiling and closed the door and walked to the bed "what are you watching ?"he asked "i dont know some stupid show about terrible singers"i laughed ,he laughed back "hey do you wanna watch a movie?"ky said "yeah sure bu no scary movies i hate them "i said "haha ok fine so what do you wanna watch "he asked "lets watch the notebook "i said happily "eww noo i hate romance movies they are so chessy "he said "please ky "i said pouting and giving him puppy eyes "ok fine "he said, he walked out of the room and came back with the CD i sat there watching him god he has a great body but not as good as justin's , what im i saying  i hate justin he dont have a great body, he walked back to the bed and i tried too have much space between as as possible "hey come here i dont bite you know " he said smiling i moved a little then he pulled me toward him until there was no space left between us he wrapped his hand around me and i lean back to him what it was comfortable, after half away the movie "god why did i agree to watch this shit "he whispered in my ear and shivers shot through my body "come on its not that bad"i said trying to act calm "you hair smell good "he whispered again and i replied when a smile i tried to move but he had his grip tight around me "where are you going ?"he asked "i need to use the bathroom "i said then he loosen his grip and i walked to the bathroom what its not like i want to get away from him i really need to use the bathroom, i finished and walked out to find shocked ky sitting on the bed with the pills box in his hand SHIT SHIT I FORGOT MOVE THEM FROM THE TABLE OMG WHAT IM GOING TO DO ,i was to shocked to move another step i leaned on the wall for balance he stood up with the pills in his hand and took slow steps toward me "what is this sara why are you taking this shit are you crazy what are thinking ?"he screamed and continue walking toward me i couldnt say a word and started crying he stood infront of me and grabbed my cheeks "please sara tell me why are taking these pills please baby dont cry "he whispered his breath fanning my face "because i want to look like sophie i want to have a body like sophie i want to feel once in my life that imm good enough i just dont want people to look at me like im some sort of trash i just want to be good enough " i said crying and the floor just seemed so intresting suddenly "hey look at me you are good enough you are beautiful the way you are and nobody can say otherwise you are everything a guy wants in a girl you are funny beautiful and you have a killer body you dont have to be like sophie because shes a slut and justin is just using her and gonna dump her anytime because no man want a slut to be his girlfriend you just know that ok " he whispered and rested his forehead on mine and i nodded he start to lean in and before i could register anything his lips met mine and let me till you it was the best feeling in the world and you know what i didnt pull out i kissed him with mush force.



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