part 15

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i woke up by a whispering sound but i didnt open my eyes i kept them close'' come on let's scream all together ''i heared a voice say ''1-2-3 AAAH '' i shot my eyes open and so does justin '' why the fuck are you screaming''justin yelled at them and i groaned and throw my head again on the pillow '' well we wanted to get you guys up so we screamed ''chaz said as i walked out of the bed walking to the bathroom and i feel all the boys are staring at me WTF, then it hit me i remembered that im only wearing justin's shirt which goes to my mid thights then i blush and justin noticed and screamed'' get out ''he screamed to the boys, they walked out of the door every one giving me one last glance and i went and closed the door behind the boys '' urg justin please i dont wanna go with them ''i said pouting maybe this will make his change his mind '' no now go and change and dont take so long i want to use the bathroom ''he said in his sexy morning voice what the fuck sara you hate him i went to the bathroom and washed my face and changed into my pink bikini and wore a pink tank top and jeans short and wore my pink flip flops *check the picture on the side * i slowly walked out of the bathroom and the room was empty i took my towel and sunglass and walked to the kitchen to find the boys sitting on the table and eating macdonald breakfast . oh my god im so hungry i cant take it anymore ''hey slut ''chaz said '' i rolled my eyes '' why do you look so fat and ugly today "ryan said '' and yeah we didn't bring you breakfast we thought you wouldnt want to get more fat "jake said "morning "ky said smiling and i smiled back and said "morning " i said and i could see justin galring at me and ky this is not gonna be good so i walked out the kitchen to the living room and sat on the couch to check instagram and trumblr it been long time after a few minutes justin came and grabbed my hand harshley  ''lets go "he said "aw justin your hurting me "i said lokking in his eyes soon the boys came "so how many cars are we taking "he asked "three , mine your"s and ky's because he have to leave before us "chaz said and justin nodded ''can i go with ky "i asked justin almost whispering "no"he said "why "i asked he didnt answer he just stared at me "guys lets just go in two cars it will be more fun "ryan said "ok "justin replied.

so we went in to cars justin"s and ky , ky went with jake ,and chaz and ryan came with us urg i hate them all ''so did you have sex yet "ryan asked lokking at me "eww no i would never do this thing with justin "i said as justin looked at me through the mirror since i was setting in the back "yeah and i would never have sex with her every body know that i only fuck sexy girls and im not gonna break my record and have sex with her "he said lookig at me smirking "yeah we would see about that "i said very confident "the dare is on "justin said and i nodded, so we finally ariived the beach i walked behind the boys not really intrested on what they are talking about , i reached and empty chair and put my thing down and stareted to take off my clothes to reveal my bikini i knew that the boys was lokking from behind so i slowly took of my shirt thaking my time and slidding my shorts down with swaying my hips lightly and throw my clothed in my bag when i turned around there mouthes were wide open and i swear i could see ryan and justin smiling , i felt little dizzy so i sat down on the chair in order to make tan "what your not going to swim "justin asked raising his eyebrows "um no i dont like swimming "i said softly he didnt respond and followed the boys to the water i put my cream on and layed down on the face to face the sun i didnt stay long but i couldnt take it anymore i felt like my head is going to blow out , so i stood wore my slippers and slowly walked on the hot sand to the boys in the water maybe the water could make my head little cold the boys stared and me when i was walking and their face showed worried , what is happing suddleny i felt really dizzy and the world started to go round and i blacked out .

i opened my eyes to meet white room wait this isnt my room or the hotel room were am i ,then i heared the boys voice and i voice i couldnt recognize maybe it is the doctor "doc is she ok what is hepping to her "i heared a worried justin voice , well this is oud he never cares why is he worries about me "actually its been like along time since she didnt eat and it looks like she is loosing her blood in some way so her body was so tired he couldnt take anymore , appernetly she is gonna be ok we put a drip on her hands to give her more blood and you all should make sure that she eat every single meal and it better be healthy is anyone here is her boyfriend ?"the doctor ask "um im her husband "justin said nervesously "you shouldnt have any sexual things that weel make her tired you know what i mean this should go for at least one week when she would get better "the doctor said to justin "dont worry about that doc"justin said and the doctor nodded "so when can she get out "ky asked he sound really worried i like that boy he's not like his stupid friends "when this bag of blood finishes and she wakes up you can take her home "the doctor said , i slowly opened my eyes and moaned all their heads snaps to my side all they were happy, is this a dream or something i cant belivet it but im gonna play a game that i know ill regret but im gonna do it anyway "thank godness you are oky "justin said walking to my bed i slowly lefted my body but i had a huge headache so i rested my head do again "lay down you should rest "ky said from behind justin "hey ky "i said happy and the boys was surrounding me on my bed "hey sara "he said smiling "um ky who are they "as soon as i said that world they seemed all shock "oh my god your justin bieber "i screamed fan girling and tried to act dumb but they were all shocked "umm justin please can i take a picture with you "i said to justin accting happily he didnt say a word he just stood there shocked "um ky what is justin bieber doing here and who are they "i said ponting at shocked jake , chaz and ryan and looked at each other shocked so i had the oppurtunity and winked at ky so he can get it and he quickly understood and smirked "um you really dont know who i am "justin said sadly  "um yeah your justing freakin bieber of course i know you"i said and glanced at smiling ky "um come on we will take you home at talk about this later "ky said winking at me and i nodded and justin still stood there shock "please tell me this is one of your games and its not real "ryan said "what do you mean and serouisly who are you "i asked and trying to keep my laugh but he didnt reply he just stood there staring at me like the others .


hey guys so this is the next chapter I hope you like it please vote and comment I need your support ♡

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