part 16

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sorry I didnt post for so long I was at the hospital so this is the new chapter I hope you like it please like and comment

i really can't believe this how could she dont remeber me im her fuckin husband maybe this really not a game it does't look like she's lying i really dont know what to do im freakin out. we checked her out and walked her to the car "ky you should come with us since your the only one she remebers and one of the boys with take your car "i said to ky and he nodded and hand his car keys to ryan and chaz,but jake decided he would come with us i jake sat on the passenger seat and ky and sara sat on the back i can see her leaning her bod onto ky and holding his hand then he whisper something to her ear and she laghed which made me so angry how can she forget me and remeber ky who she she met one day ago i think im gonna go crazy she stayed quick for a while then suddenly said "um can i ask a question "she said sounding annocent "yeah sure "i said smilying at her in the mirror "what am i doing in justin bieber car ,oh my god my friends gonna freak out if they knew that i met justin bieber "she said excited "they already know "jake replied to her "how "she asked "we will explain it later when we arrive the hotel "ky said "which hotel and where is my parents "she asked ok im totally gonna freak out now "i said we will explane it later "jake said angrily and i glared at him after a few minutes we arived the hotel and walked through the lobby to find chaz and ryan waiting for us we all walked to the eleveator and sara was still holding ky's hand , when we reached the room "oh my god this is amazing were are we "he asked excited.


"so let me get this staright our parents forced us to an arragment married and now were on our honeymoon are justin bieber is my husband ?"i asked acting dumb and trying my best to hold my smile "yeah and we are justin's friends"ryan said, come on sara you can do this it's now or never  "wait that means i can do anything with him because im his wife "i said  walking to justin and sitting on his lab and put my hand around his nick and i can feel him tense up and i smirked knowing the affect i do on him "ok guys we should go now we'll meet you guys tommorow we can watch a movie or something "ryan said standding with the boys and stood from justin lab and walked to hug ky he huged my back and whisper a good luck and i smiles and they soon walked out "ok first of all can i take a picture with you i still cant bieleve that im married to justin bieber "i said hidding my laugh and he sight and stood up and walked to me and pushed me to the wall behind me 'you know sara this isnt a game and i know your lying so just cut it off "he said angrily and i got nervouse "justin what do you mean i really dont know what you talking about "i said as he pushed my further and hold really tight on my wrist "aww justin your hurting me "i said and tears were strolling down my cheeck then he droped me down and walked to the room and i layed there on the floor crying this isnt going as the plan what should i do to earn his love but im contuing there is no going back ,i really need to cut right now i slowly got up and walked to the room to find justin laying on the bed watching tv i walked to the closet and took a sweetpants and a tank top i really dont feel like wearing justin's shirt and plus that would make his suspecious that i remeber i walked to the bathroom and striped my clothes which i wore on the beach and stepped into the warm water i took the blade and put it on my wrists and digged it inside and cloosed my eyes in pain when i finished i washed my hair and body and stepped out of the shower and wrrabed the towel around my body , shit i forgot my underwears and plus the towel was too short it goes under my ass , but i could care less i will make him regret that is said that he wont have sex with someone like me , i walked out of the bathroom into the room and i could feel justin staring at me i opened the drower and bend down to take my bra and panties then i walked back to the bathroom without turning at him once i changed my clothes not forgetting to wear my bracelets to cover the scars and went back to the room and walked to the bed strolling down the sheets but this time i made sure to move closer to justin "um justin am i still a virgin "i asked trying to act nervouse "yeah "he said "so we didnt do the thing right "i asked and he scoffed and turn around to give me his back , i did a thing i never thought i will , i hugged him from behind and kissied his cheeks and whisper a "gooodnight"and i feel his body relax i broke the hug and gave him my back to let him fall asleep after a frew minutes i feel two strong arm wrabbed around my waist from behind and justin whisper in my ear "goodnight " but the diffrence is he didnt remove his hands kept hugging me from the back and fall asleep im reallly nervous this is the closest i have been with him i didnt take long and fall asleep with his arm wrabbbing around my body .

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