part 17

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i woke i the next morning but kept my eyelashes closed, then reality hit hit me i feel something on my chest i slowly opened my eyes to see sara head was on my chest and most of her body was above mine her hair was all over her face i slowly pushed her hair from he face and started touching every inch on her face she is really beatiful , i know i was really mean to her but she deserved it she cant think that she can enter my life and change it ,but she really dont remeber anything from the past so maybe we could start something new plus i love this new sara but what if her memory came back that would be terrible, i kept thinking i didnt relealize that i was staring at her she was wake up by now and a smile was plasted on her face "morning "she said smiling and kissed my cheeck "morning "i said smiling at her , and i could tell that she noticed our position so she blushed and moved away, and i chuckle "what "she said "nothing "i said "come on let's go change and go eat a breakfast"i said and she noded and walked to the bathroom.


ok sara get youself together you can do this maybe this is a start of something good maybe your plan worked , i washed my face and teeth and walked out the bathroom i really dont need to shower because i showerd yesterday night i wore a blue skinny jeans with white crop top and a yellow blazer and wore my zanotti white widge*check the picture on the side* i didnt bother to take a bag because my phone was on the charger and i dont really need it and i dont need to take my wallet since i dont have any money i walked to the living room to see justin wearing his shoes "ready "he asked i nodded then we walked to his lamborgini car and drive to whereever his taking me i stayed quite the hole ride he tried to make conversation but i only reply with one word i was busy tinking of what im i doing should i tell him the truth that i didnt loose my memory or should i stay quite maybe stay quite better maybe this is better for us and i can see that justin had changed the way he talk to me maybe he regretted what he did and he just want to start a new thing and he took my lost of memory as his chance i really dont know what to do but i know that when he find out he will be so mad at me but he'll get over it eventually,"were here "he said he steeped out of the car and i does the same i should really act like i lost my memory and act like im all over him although i kinda hate him and i know he hate me too and would never love me but he is my husband so either way i should at least try , he walked to the entrance and i walked next to him and hold his hand he look down at me and smiled since the diffrence between our high he was a head taller than me , i smile back we walked to the booth he sat next to me "why arent you setting infront of me "i asked "chaz and ryan are comming "he said well i didnt see that coming "um ok "i said i opened the menue to check the food i was so hungry but i started to loose some weight so im not just gonna eat now and get my weight back again after a few moment chaz and ryan came "hey guys "ryan said "hii "i said smiling i know i hate them but i should act to make this bileivable "how do you feel sara "chaz said giving a look of sympathy "im great "i said giving him a fake smile i really hate acting the waiter came "hello are you ready to order "he asked smiling "yeah im gonna have one strawberry milkshake scramble eggs and pancakes "chaz said "im gonna have water boiled eggs and mosorilla cheese sandwich "ryan said "um im gonna have strawberry and banana milkshake ,pancakes , scramble eggs and french toast "justin said wow he eats alot "what do you want "he asked me "umm orange juice "i said "and ?"he asked "im not hungry "i said "thats it "justin said to the waiteress "idont care if your hungry or not your gonna eat with me you heard what the doctor said "he whispered in my ears which send me shiver down my body and i nodded and when i turn around i saw chaz and ryan smirking , are they freaks ? "so were are jake and ky "i asked then i feel justin hands on my thights which didnt help me concentrate on what ryan was saying "ky is taking his sister to the dentist "ryan said and justin hands stares to ove up and down which made me really uncomfortable and put my hands on his in order to keep his hand ffrom moving but that didnt work he kept going up and down "and jake is probably sleeping with some whore from yesterday night "ryan continues and justin hand started to move to my inner thights closer to my area "um excuse me "i said standing up and walking from the booth to the bathroom well this is really awkward i swear if i didnt walk from him he would be fingiring me right now , i finished and walked back to the booth to see justin watching me and smirking im totally gonna revenge back i sat next to him on the booth and leaned in and whisper on his ear "cant you wait till we get back home "i whisper sexily on his ear which made his body tense up and i put my hand on his thight and started to move them slowly and removed my hand and glared at me and when i looked down at his pants it looks tighter and he had grow a small boner i smirked and removed my hand luckily chaz and ryan were in deep conversation so they didnt notice anything , the waitress came with our food i didnt eat much but i had to eat to make justin shut up we finished eating and justin didnt let chaz and ryan pay he paid for all the food.

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