part 20

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i woke up the next moring and went to the room what it's my room too , when i walked to the room i was shocked justin was half naked because the cover was covering his down half and sophie was sleeping beside him extermely naked and didnt even bother to use the cover eww i saw all her private parts i think im gonna puke i walked to the bathroom i stripped my clothes and stepped into the shower i really need to relax and my stomach is hurting too i ,i had a long relaxing shower i changed into some sweatpants and tank top and put my hair into long wet high ponytail and walked back to to the room when i scanned the room but i was empty i walked to the living room to find that slut sophie sitting on the bar wearing justin's shirt and justin was standing between her legs with only boxer and they were kissing eew i pretented that i wasn't looking and layed down on the couch i really should go buy my period pills but the thing is i dont have any money maybe i should go apply for somework i stood up and walked to the room and justin and sophie were still kissing but the kiss turned into makeout session i ingnored them and walked to the room, i grabbed my laptop and sat on the bed and switch it open i stareted to search for working oppurtinites after a few hours i found a modeling work it was pretty good ,it was swimsuits modeling and it was 5000 dollars in month but the thing is i really dont know if they will accept me i really dont have the best body and the boys always said that i was fat and ugly but i should try maybe ill get in i applied my aplication and they told me that they gonna call me after a few days to interview me, i closed my laptop and plugged my earphones and played music i just kept laying there staring at the celing and thinking about my misery life i really wish that i get back to my life before justin it was really great, after a few minutes justin entered the room and he was alone i guess sophie left ,i engored him and actted like he wasnt there and kept looking at the celing he walked to the bathroom when i checked the watch it was 6 PM wow time goes by very fast ,soon justin walked back from the bathroom and i was laying there closing my eyes suddlenly i was pulled by my hair and dropped on the floor "listen bitch if i knew that you told ashley or your father about anything i swear it will be your last day on earth you hear me ?"justin yelled at me and i nodded "one more thing im brining some girl here tonight and i want it to be extra special so leave right now and dont get back until tomorrow "justin said "but where im i suppost to sleep ?"i asked "i dont care sleep inside a trash and it would be better if you dont get back ever "justin said and walked to the fron door and slammed it shut im really screwed i quickly called my friend amanda rember the old friend i met at the mall the one that moved out long time ago "hey sara "amanda said "hey can sleep over tonight ?"i asked "yeah sure whats wrong "she asked worried "ill tell you when i get there "i said and end the call i quickly changed and walked out of the hotel to amanda villa


im really mad at her and she deserve evry single thing i do to her , i lied to her i really dont have a girl to do a special thing to her im just gonna go grab some girl from the club ,yeah im justin bieber every girl would die ti come home with me but im just worried i dont know where she gonna sleep she dont know anyone from here and i know for sure she dont have anymoney to stay at a hotel but i dont care im gonna go to the club and have the best night of my life.

i woke up the next morning not remebering anything and have a huge hungover i turned to my right to see a naked girl who i really dont know who she is i turned to night stand and grabbed my phone i checked my phone it was 3 PM wow i really slept for so long i walked to the living room excpecting sara to be there but there was no one WTF i told her to come back in the morning and now is fucking 3 and she is not there i walked back to the room and grabbed my phone and called her but her phone was closed ,why is she not answering where could she be ,if she really spent the night on the street maybe some drunk guy kidnapped her and closed her phone and i could tell sara fight like and ant so she would never get out of someguy grib ,suddenly i started to sweat i kept calling and calling and there was no answer ,after a few moments the girl beside me woke up "good morning baby "she said in very sexy tone and it was so hard for me to ignore her but it was not the time "get dress and get out now "i said "what ?why "she said "get out or i will throw you on the street completly naked "i said angrily and she quickly changed and left the hotel i kept calling sara but there was no answer after an hour the front door opened and sara stood there "where have you been "i asked angrily.


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