part 14

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justin spin the bottle and in landed on me wow just my like '' truth or dare ''he asked '' dare ''i quickly said i dont want them to ask me private question '' ok i dare to put water on your hair and let it dry fori tself '' he said well this is a weird dare why would he want me to wash my hair ''why ''i asked '' because i need to see your real hair not the one that is made like now '' he said '' i didnt make it this is my naturally hair ''i said '' ok prove it ''he said and i walked to the bathroom and washed my hair in the sink in front of all of them and leave it wet then we got back to the circle the game kept going and now its jake turn to spin the bottle and it landed on me '' truth or dare ''he asked '' dare '' i said well the last one wasnt bad '' ok i dare you to make out with ryan in one minute ''he said directly at me and ryan smirked '' what im not gonna make out with him are you crazy ''i said to jake '' you asked for a dare that's your problem ''he said and i looked into justin eyes for approval and he nodded i stood up and walked confident ,i want to show them all that im not like what they are thinking of me i approach ryan who is sitting on the floor and sit on his lap facing him with my legs on each side of him i could tell that ky was getting angry i dont know why and as i sit on ryan's lap i feel justin tense up little i need to make this go the way i want, he put his hand on my waist and i put my hand on his neck and pulled him closer and kissied him first and every one start cheering exept justin and ky who was really mad i our lips kept to move in synce it was soft and slow at first but then ryan pushed his lips harder on mine then his hand moved to small back of mine and bit my lips asking for entrance but i denide he then moved his hand to my ass and squeeze it gently which made me gaspe and he took the opportunity and slide his tongue in my mouth then i tucked on his lower lips playfully and smiled to make justin angrier and moved my hand to the back of his hair which to my suprise he moaned not to loud but enough for all of them to hear which earned a gasp from every one '' ok time is up ''chaz said i tried to break the kiss and stand but i couldnt he pulled me by my waist and kept a strong hold on them and kissed me harder '' guys really you need to stop ''jake said i tried again but only to make his grib stronger aroung my waist and kissed me even harder then i feel someone pull me out of his grasp and put me down on the floor and that was very angry justin my shoulder kept going up and down and my breath was so fast then i releazed the shock faces and blush really hard '' god that was amazing she's the best kisser i have ever kissed and that is a huge number ''he said too loud '' dude you moaned and you never moan in a kiss god you even dont moan i sex as the girls said ''really shocked chaz said '' and since when you was a great kisser ''jake asked me and i blushed and didnt reply '' lets just continue and forget about the kiss ''justin yelled and i jumped a little i looked at ky to see him watching me with hurt expression oh my god i feel so bad , the game kept going and this time ryan spin the bottle and it landed on me again wow . '' truth or dare '' he asked smirking '' truth ''i said quickly im so no gonna choose dare after what happened and i feel his smirk grow wider '' how many guys did you have sex with ?''he asked and i was shocked i didnt thought he would ask that question , all faces turned turned to me waiting my answer including justin '' um virgin '' i said almost whisper and heared gasps '' YOU WHATT !''they all screamed at the same time '' im a virgin '''i said embaressed '' that means you didnt had sex with a guy yet ''justin said and i nodded he was really shocked '' but how , you was very very veru good , do tell me i was your first kiss '' ryan said '' hey i said im a virgin not a desprate'' i said we was bored of the game so we watched tv i felt pretty tired so i leaned on ky who had a huge smile on his face and i can feel justin staring at me very mad but i pushed it to the back of my head and continue to watch the movie soon the boys leaves and i went to the bedroom to changed and justin followed me angry .''what the fuck is going between you and ky '' justin yelled '' justin what do you mean we have nothing between us ''i said '' you know what , whatever i dont care '' he said taking his shirt and throwing it on the chair i walked to the chair and grabbed his shirt and i was about to walk to the bathroom to change then it hit me i want him to think that i dont care about him and act like he doesn't exist i slowly took off my white tank top to reveal my white lace bra and wore the shirt that he just took off then slowly i slide down my sweat pants i throw them on chair and turned around to face shocked justin his mouth was hang open and he was staring at me , then he came to reality and turn back to the tv , i went to the bathrrom to wash my face then walked back to room and slide down the bed staying as far as i can from justin as always '' sara ''he said '' yeah ?'' i said '' tomorrow we are going with the boys to the beach ''he said ''can i stay home '' i asked '' why ?'' he asked ''they make me feel uncomfortable '''i said softly '' well i dont care your coming ''he said and didnt say a word i closed my eyes and soon fall asleep.


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