part 8

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so i woke up streching because of these uncomfortable chairs when i look on my right justin's and the slut's chairs were empty i really dont know where are they

, i stand from my chair and pass my sleeping people , i really wanna go to bathroom when i was about to swipe the door knob i heard a moan

''yeah justin baby dont stop ''she moaned ''yeah yeah right there ''  justin moan ''yeah justin faster '' she moaned ,

i just couldnt take this anymore its my wedding night and my husband is having sex with some bitch he just met and went to my chair and bursted out crrying

i heard footsteps and laughing i pretented to sleep i peeked out one eye and there were they walking between the chairs holding hands and both of their hairs were messed up and justin had lipstick all over his face and neck then they set sttill holding hands and she rested her head on his shoulder and then they fall asleep

, i woke up by a hard hands shaking me '' wake up you little whore ''justin said shaking me hard i slowly open my eyes to see that the people stares to leave the plane so i guess that we landed,

i stood up slowly from the uncomfortabe chair and justin brought my bag from the bags case and i took it from him then i heard justin say '' it was nice seeing you ''he said while kissing her on her lips eew '' yeah babe i had alot of fun'' she said walking away

so when we walked out of the airport there was alot i mean alot of paparazzi '' act like were in love ''justin wisper in my ear and hold my waist which send me shiver down my body and i walked closer to him , so the paparazzi asked alot of stupid question but justin ignored then so i decided to do the same we went through a black car and there was the driver and a man beside him as soon as we sat in the car justin said ''hey scooter watsup '' justin said ''hey justin im great you have a beatiful wife ''he siad and i said a low thank you ''come on you know this is all fake '' justin said

''yeah but guy even if it is fake you should act real the paparazzi is starting to know the truth and you know that will not be good to your reputition ''he said , so i guess that he is justin manager ~skip the car drive~ ''ok guys you not getting your room now you would get it in 2 hours so you should go grab something to eat and we will deliver you bags to the hotel and then i will drive to the airpost''he said while stopping in the side of the street were there is alot of resturants so justin opened the door and walked out while grabbing my hand harshley and i walked out from the car we walked a few minutes to find the resturant that justin wants

, oh my god im freezing should i ask him for his jacket him said if i were cold he would give it to me i know that now is diffrent but maybe he likes to keep his words ''um justin im freezing can i borrow you jacket ''i said sofley hoping that he will accepet '' you cant see that im wearing it it's your proplem that you didnt bring yours ''he said and i wasnt shocked this time because i knew he would say that but i said it anyway so i closed my mouth and walked next to him then we walked to an italian resturant god i love italian food , but i promised my self that im not going to eat anything so that i would get skinnier ,

we entered '' table for two '' justin that to the man then he took two menues and leaded us to our table we sit and opened the menue oh god how can i resist such a great food then i heard ''hello are you ready to order ? '' the younge waiter said smilying while staring at me and i smiled back '' are you goning to take our order or stare at my wife '' justin said angrly

, what is his problem ''um yeah sorry what would like to have sir ? ''the waiter said ''im gonna have large margaritta pizza and pink pasta and for the drinks im gonna have cola '' he said while the waiter wrote on his note ''and for you ma'am ''he said smilying lokking in my eyes ''im im gonna have water '' i said smiling back at him ''ill be right back with your drinks ''  he said and left '' why didnt you order anything do you think that i cant affort it ? ''he said '' no its just im not hungry ''i said then he murmured the word '' ugly '' under his breath

when the waiter came with our drinks i didnt say a word after a few minutes the food came and justin started to eat that little delicouse pizza oh my god i love pizza so much '' justin i need to go to the rest room ''i said softly '' you have five mintues '' he said and i rolled my eyes then stand up slowly and walk to the rest room as soon i was about to turne the door knob i was pulled and pushed to the wall and a body was pressing on me ''what is beatiful girl doing here alone '' the guy wisper in my ears and started kissing my neck i pushed him '' get away from me '' i said angry

but he pushed harder on the wall and stared kissing and sucking on the same spot and i could tell that this gonna leave a hickey '' JUSTIN !! ''I yelled but he put his hands on my mouth and said ''' your prince charming is not going to come save you ''he said while kissing my jaw line ''and what makes you think that ''justin yelled while pulling him from me and hitting him on the face and the man nose stareted to bleed but he kept hitting him then i walked to him holding his hand to stop him from killing that guy '' justin thats enough come on lets get back to the table '' i said while rubbing

his hand trying to relax him but he pulled his hand away and tugs on my wrists really hard walking to the table and pulling money from him pocket '' im not hungry anymore come on lets go '' he said angrily while tugging me out of the resturant

'' justin aw you hurting me ''i said as he losen his grib on my wrists ,  we were standing out of the resturant then i feel a slight pain in my neck i put my hand to feel what is it when justin grabed my hand harshley and turn me so i was facing him

'' show me ''he said lokking at my neck i could tell that he saw something because he became mad '' that fuckin bastard ''he said angrily while turninng to go to the resturant again to go hit the guy but i hold his hand in time '' justin stop im fine let's just to to the hotel im tired '' i said softly i really do want to get on his nervous now he didnt say a word but he tugged me hard and walked to a taxi station he's lucky there is no paparazzi here because he would be really sorry if they captured photo's of what happened we walked to a taxi and stepped in the car and justin told him the hotel name which is really confusing name but i didnt talk the hale ride i was silente and i kept lokking out the window and i could see from the conrner of my eye that justin is staring at me ,

we entered huge doors to be greeted by a great lobby but i could tell that we are in a resort and most of th  people around were wearing swimsuits '' a reservation under name bieber '' justin said '' here you go mr. bieber  your room is on the third floor ''she said justin took the key and didnt say thank you wow what a gentlmen ,

so when took the elevator and walked the hallway when we reached our room justin opened the door and wow i didnt bileve what i was seeing this is the most wonderful place i have evert seen at first there is a huge living room

, on the right there is the most beatiful kitchen and on the right there is a huge bedroom with king size bed and the room has a bathroom inside and when i opened the glass door there is a balacony that has a huge swimming pool and when you stand on the edge of the balacony you see the blue ocean under the balacony oh my god this is awsome i love it*check the picture on the side *

'' do you like it ? ''justin asked '' yeah i love it it is amazing '' i said excited and went to hug him but he glared at me then walked away .

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