part 12

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so justin walked out like a houre ago and im already bored well maybe if i went out quicky before he come back he wont notice that i was out mybe if i go grab coffie or something it wont be that bad right i quickly changed into white ripped jeanes and wore a black tight crop top and wrap a *black white and red square i really dont know what they call it you can check the picture on the side number 1*on my waist and wore my mue mue black flats and took my black mini cross chanel bag and walked to the door ,i kept walking on the street a few minutes then i found starbucks that would be great i walked through the door to find alot alot of people in the cafe i walked and stood in the line and when it was my turn i was greeted with a smiling lady

''good morning ma'am what do you like to have ''she asked smiling '' a small coffee please ''i said '' that with be __ dolars ''she said and i opened my wallet. shit i have no money since i married justin dad stoped giving me money because he thought that justin was spending on me but he was wrong and since im a senior i dont have a job but i guess i should find one soon i really need to earn money or i wont be buying anything like this coffie i want badly

'' ill pay for it ''i heared an angrily voice beside be and when i turned aroung i was greeted by a very pissd justin and that slut i dont remeber her name behined him so i guess he was with her he is not affread that paparazzi with chatch him with her and destry his reputetion i stood there shocked as justin give the lady money and drag my wrist hard pulling me with him

'' ill call you later sophie ''justin said to the bitch behind him and she nodded and walked away '' what are you doing here didnt i told you to stay home , and what are you wearing do you think you are in a strip club ''he said angrily in between his teeth and tighting her hold on my wrist i whinced in pain

'' i was bored and i had a huge headache i really needed coffie and what wrong with what im wearing and aww justin you hurting me ''i said but he didnt say anything and didnt loseen his grib he dragged me to his car and pushed my inside the passenger seat, but i didnt take my coffie i whisper to my self the whole ride he didnt say a word he was holding the steering wheel very hard pool wheel when we approach the hotel he opened his door and walked to the hoter door wow what a gentlemen i slowly opened my door and followed him to the eleveartor luckily there were a few people or i swear he would have killed me here .we walked to the door and justin unlocked it pushing me inside angrily

'' listen here you bitch you gonna follow what i say swear if you do anything that will make me mad you like what your gonna get ''he yelled at me but i rolled my eyes like i dont care but the real thing that i wanted to cry i didnt say anything i walked to the kitchen i really need coffie my headache just keep getting worse and i cant take it anymore i opened the cabin but there is no coffie wow just my luck maybe if i take a nap it will disapear i slowly walked to the roomto find justin laying on the bed in only boxer why cant he just go out its like 1 PM why dont he just go and have lunch with that slut. i walked to the closet and grabbed one of justin shirts and no i dont like wearing his shirts but they are pretty comfy i went to the bathroom and changed quickly and walked out the bathroom , i throw my clothes on the chair and slowly layed under the cover in my side giving justin my back

'' what so your just gonna sleep now ''he asked humor in his voice i just nodded i tried to go to sleep but its too hard with justin watching a footbal match beside me so i really couldnt sleep so i tell justin '' um justin please can i go to the pharmacy to but some pills i wont be late ''i begged justin he then turn and looked at me '' you have 30 min to go and come back ''he said sternly '' ok thank you ''i said walking to the bathroom to change then it hit me shit i dont have money i really should do thing about that i then went back to the bed laying again '' what !! your not going ?''he asked

'' umm no i dont need them anymore ''i shuttered '' ok ''he said not believing a word i just said '' my friend are comming in an houre they know that this is all fake so we dont need to act , be nice if you do something that will ashame me infront of them i will kill you ''he said and i swear that my heart started to beat rapidly maybe it willl be better for the two of us if he killed me , i changed into free city yellow sweatpants and a white tank top*check the picture on the side number 2* after a few minutes the bell rang and justin told me to open the door when the door and i was greeted by four boys then i feel justin stood behinde

'' hey justin how are you ''one of them said '' hey bro its been a long time ''justin said '' sara meet ryan, chaz, jake and ky ''he said and pointing at every one of them '' eew this must be you wife she's so fat and ugly '' chaz said '' yeah wong choice man ''ryan said ''slut ''jake said i really was shock im i that ugly but to my suprise ky didnt say a word he just kept staring at me like he saw an angle and a smile plasted on his facewell this is awkward they entered and walked to the couch in the living room justin whispered in my ear

'' go make tea and bring water ''he ordered me and i nodded and put five glasses of water and five hote water in cups and five tea bags and headed to the living room and put in on a table infrnot of ryan and jake , after i put the water and the tea on the table suddenly jake throw the hot water on me which got on my arm that is now burning me and ryan throw the glass water on me with landed on my leg and broke into million picece and my leg started to bleed and i can feel the glass digging throught my leg i let a tear fall from my eyes and run to the bathroom and locked the door and stared crying why are they so mean to me and justin just stood there not doing anything not even defeting me and that made me bol with anger then it het me when i was 15 people used to bully me in school and the only thing that always comfirt me is cutting i used to cut alot some times once a week sometimes daily and if it was really bad i cut more than once but no body ever notice the scars because i used to cover them with my bracelets that im still wearing but the scars now gone because i stopped last year because people stopped bully me well maybe if i do it now it will make me feel better as always i slowly opened my make up bag and pulled out a razor i slowly opened the tab to let the hot water touch my skin then slowly i put the razor on my wrists digging it slowly and feel the bloud run through my hand through and mixed with water i slowly pulled my hands and clost the water putting tesho all over my wrist

to make the blood stop and i kept crying a few minutes until i hear a knock on the bathroom door '' sara''i heard justin said i cleared my throats to return my voice that was now gone from crying '' yeah ''i said my voice cracking '' come out ''he said softly i didnt reply '' open the door or i will break it ''he said '' ok just a minute ''i said i quickly put my bracelet on to cover the fresh cut and washed my face that is now red and puffy and opened the door

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