part 5

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''come on wake up you lazy thing we have a long '' ashley said ''just five more minutes'' i said ''no come on were gonna be late '' she said '' uurg ok fine im up''i said, i got up went to my bathroom then changed and ashley was ready then we went to starbucks to get a coffie then we went to the mall ,we went to so much stores like top shop ,forever 21, zara, river island

then we went to victoria secret ''come on you gotta buy this its very sexy'' ashley said holdingwhite lace what i call sex PJs ''eew no im not gonna buy this and im definitely not having sex with him'' i said ''yeah were gonna see about that''she said holding another red lace sex PJ i bought new bra's and panties.then I went home and soon fall asleep

.the next day we didnt skip school this time but the day at school went by very slowly, when we finished we head to macdonald to grab something to eat, well dad wouldnt mind because he come home late every day but i texted him anyway to tell him that im gonna be late the last this i want right now is my dad to me pissed at me

,when we finished we headed to the wedding dresses store to see the perfect wedding dress i tried like five dresses but i didnt like anyone of them ''hey sara check out this dress its gorgeos ''ashley said ''yeah its amazing let me try it '' i said, i changed into that beatiful dress and walked my way out the dressing room ''wow its amazing yeah thats the one you look incredibly hot ''she said ''yeah im gonna have this one '' i said.

we bought the dress and found a white matching high heel *i'll put the picture on the next chapter * then we headed home and i put the dress in my closet with the shoe the last thing i want is to have a dirty wedding dress. then we headed to headed to the jewerly store, what if im having an arranged married at least i should lool beatiful its my weding as well. i bought a dimond line bracelet , bvlgari snake watch, twin dimond ring and a beatuful dimond earing , well we are an extremely rich family so that wouldnt be a problem

.''aah im so tired and we did a great job tonight we bought all the thing for the wedding we should grab something to eat '' ashley said ''why dont we go home watch some movie and order pizza im really tired'' i said ''ok thats fine with me ''ashley said . so here we are laying on the couch eating pizza and whatching the notebook *i love that movie* my phone puzzed indicating i have a new massege ''wow who is it ? you never recive masseges''ashley said, i open the massege and it was from justin''HEY BABE I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOUR BEATIFUL FACE IN THE WEDDING ;) ''god that wink made my heart stop ''awwh he is so romantic your so lucky'' ashley said from behide reading the message

''hey you cant sneak out and read my masseges i should have my privacy'' i said ''yeah your privacy my ass im your best friend i should know your panties colour like seriously sara ''she said ''hey give me your phonr i wont do something stupid '' she said and i gave her my phone although i didnt belive her ''here you can have your phone now ''she said i took my phone and opened the screen that showed me the message she sent to justin it says ''I MISS YOU TOO I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU SEXY FACE'' ''oh my god what did you do are you fuckin insean what is he going to think now ? '' i said then i sent him a new massege '' SORRY JUSTIN I DIDNT SAY THAT IT WAS MY BEST FRIEND SHE HAD MY PHONE '' i send , a few minutes later i recive a new massege '' its fine princess'' oh my god did he just caleed me princess ,son after ashley left to go home and i fell asleep on the couch.

JUSTIN P.O.Vim gonna make her life miserable, i would treat her like shit and make her hate the fact that she was borned but at first im gonna act like im the nicest person on earth to make her fall in love with me and then breakes her, i know shes pretty ans sexy and all but god i hate her so much she is gonna steal my amzaing life from me and i want to show my mom that i really care about her and makes my parents and her dad feel like i love her so that the wedding would be on and then im gonna make her life like shit in the honeymoon yeah honeymoon my ass its not like im gonna touch her or anything,and i had a great idea to make that work

i texted her ''HEY BABE I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU BEATIFUL FACE ON WEDDING ;)'' i sent then a few moments back i recived a message from her that sais '' I MISS YOU TOO I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOUE SEXY FACE '' she sent. i was shocked i didnt know what to do or send back it like i was froze i dont think that this massege came from her but that doest change the fact that i hate her.then after a few moment she sent another massege i open it and it says ''SORRY JUSTIN I DIDNT SEND THAT IT WAS MY BEST FRIEND SHE HAD MY PHONE'' she said , yeah i knew that its not like sara gonna send like these pervert masseges, i checked my watch it was 2 A;M so i locked my phone and driftted to sleep .


hello guy this is my new chapter I hope you like it  please vote or comment I need your support please

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