part 6

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so today is the day, the day that im getting married to some guy i dont even know, he may be a great guy or a really bad guy i cant tell so a woke up  by the heat of the sun that come from my curtains and went to the bathroom i stripped all my clothes and had a long shower 

i then shaved my hole body which for my luck it didnt take long, i wrapped the towel around my body and changed into a tank top and jeans shorts i went to my room to see that ashley has arrived we then take my dress from my closet and brought hers and she decided that she would change in my house to

we headed to starbuck to buy a coffie then we headed to the salon, i didnt do anything much to my hair so i went with a braid on the side and and back bun *check out the picture on the side* and ashley had her hair curled up and did half up style

,and for the make up i had a light gold shadow and a thin eyeliner and maroon lipstick i know i had a thing for red lipsticks and ashley had a thick eyeliner above her eyes and a baby pink lipstick .

then i check out the time it was 5;45 and we should be ready at 7 so we headed home to change , i wore my white dress that goes perfect on my body and shows my curves perfectly its was a long dress ,sleeves and had pearls from above to the knees *the picture on the side*

and wore my white high heel that has small flowers on the edge , and ashley wore her baby pink dress that had long lace sleeve and goes above her knees and fit her body perfectly and wore her pink high heel i may say she was gorgoes '

'oh my god how can i live without you a hole fucking month i cant belive that my best friend is getting married i hope you enjoy your marrige '' she said with a glossy eye '' hey dont cry i will be fine i promise and i will call every single day and night and i will talk in tango all the time i will be fine ''i said , and she nodded

''whwre is my little girl '' dad said walking in the rome , and walk toward him and hugged him i felt tears started to show in my eye ''you look beatiful''he said the look at my face ''hey hey dont cry i will be fine ''he said ''dad im scared '' i wisper ''shush it will be fine i will be with you all the time dont worry '' he said ,and i hugged him again ''come on its time to go where gonna be late '' he said holding ma hands walking out the door and ashley followong us.

so he we are standing infront if the huge gaits when the door open and we walked inside with the music u was so nervouse and my palms stars to sweat my dad knew that i gave me a resuring squeeze as we walked

, my eye locked with no other that justin he was gorgoes wearing a black suit with a tie and had hes hair to behind in a beatiful way and i continue to walk beside my dad.


so here i am standing at the end of the church waiting for sara to appear then the door flung open and here she was standing beside her dad her small hands in his big ones , she was wearing a beatiful white dress that shows her perfect body i didnt know that she has a perfect body

, i could tell that she was nervouse by her face but i  may say she looked beatiful then i locked eyes with him and i gave her a smile because i knew that my mother was watching and to make it belivable , they continue walking and stopped right infront of me her dad gave him a smile and handed her to me when i touched her hand her palms were sweating i swear she was nervouse and scared i gave her a resuring squeeze and she smiles god i love her smile .


why im so fucking nervouse? i cant belive it, sara calm down you can do it .so the man kept talking and i just melt in justin's chocolate brown eyes  ''justin drew bieber do you take sara marie carter to be you wife share happy and sad moments together and stay together forever '' the man siad ,'' I-I do ''justin said in hestitaion why did he do that its not like he parents is forcing him into this marrige because if they forced him he wouldnt be so nice to me well i dont actually know

'' sara marie carter do you take justin drew bieber to be your husband share happy and sad moments together and stay together forever ''the man said i was quite for a moment then a see ashley in the front door tears in her eyes and nodded for me reply ''mrs.carter ??''the man said ''i do''  i replyed almost immedetly ''does any one object on this marrige''the man said , i locked my eye with ashley pleading her to stand up but shake her head in my direction.

 ''congratulation you are now a husbend and a wife, you may now kiss the bride '' he said, shit i forget about that then i looked in that adorable brown eyes then he starts to lean and i lean in when i feel his soft lips agaisnt mine shivers formed on my hole body , he then pulled out my i didnt get enough from his lips,

people starts to clap ans cheer, as me smiled for them he then took my small hand in his big ones and helped my down the small stairs and we walked through the long red carpet when we came to the ending we were greeted by jermy,pattie,my dad,ashley and ryan justin's friend ''congratulations honey ''pattie said hugging justin the came and hug me tight then jermy congratualate us then i went to hug my dad ''gongratulation honey i gonna miss so much you know how much i love you and ill always do'' dad sayed and tears started to form in my eyes im gonna miss him so much and i wish if my mom was here she would be very happy '' i love you to dad ''i said then went to hug my one and only best friend i cant belive that im leaving her

''i love you so much bestie'' she said holding me tight ''i love you too''i said then i hugged her tight and start crrying very hard and she rubbed her hands on my back to calm me down ''hey come here babe '' justin said while taking me from ashley and hugging me , i smiled through the hug he is so soft im starting to like him '' congrats bro you've got a hot girl there'' ryan said and i giggled still holding on justin and i feel him tense beside me and he glared at ryan ''thanks bro '' justin said releasing me and hugging him .

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