part 11

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i tried to call her all day but she didnt reply she's gonna be in a big problem when she come back in 3 AM the i heard a knock on the door i quickly opened it to see sara i really didnt pay attention on her face i was so angry at her i dragged her in and yell at her and asked her where were she but she didnt reply which pissed me off then i paused when i saw lipstick all over her face and the lipstick that was on her mouth was so messy and what shocked me more that i saw a hickey or live bite whatever you call it on her neck what the fuck was me making out with some guy that she reply any of my call and came back really late

, i did a thing i never thought i would i slapped her really hard and she was shocked and she was about to cry well that bitch deserved it she was makingout with a guy or even had sex with him while she's married i didnt know why i was so angry but i was it pissed me so i dragged her to the bed and through her on the bed and yell to her i couldnt take it anymore so i left the room and went to the kitchen i stayed there about ten minutes thinking about that slap but she totally deserves it i went back to the room and started to take off my clothers after a few second sara apeared from the bathroom wearing my white shirt which looked better on her and her wet hair she asked if she could blow dry her hair but i yelled at her then she went to the kitchen and brought me water but instead of drinking it i throw it on her which made her red bra invisible by the clear shirt now

i smirked at the sight of it but i can tell that she was really hurt of my action well i dont care why did she go out with a guy and i dont even know where was she , she slowly walked to the closet to change her clothes but i told her i dont want her to give my shirts STD so she just stood there shocked okay maybe i was little harsh on her but i dont care she slowly enter the bed trying to be as far as she can from me wow so she like to fuck with guys but hate to sleep on the same bed as me so orginal i really dont know if she fall asleep because i was facing her back and her wet hair i shouldve really let her blow dried it now she may get cold, WTF justin you dont care if she get cold you hate her , i couldnt go to sleep so i kept turning i dont know how long until i fall asleep.

i woke up the next morning felling something on my chest i opened my eyes slowly to see sara sleeping on my chest i guess she dont know really want that is she wasnt't sleeping i slowly took her of my chest and put her on the pillow then walk to the bathroom and took a nice shower i wrab the towel on my lower half and stepped out of the bathroom i looked at the bed to find it empty where could she go the door is locked then i realize that there is no lock for the balacony glass door i opened the balacony door ans saw sara leaning on the small wall od the edge of the balacony watching the ocean and people swimming , when she heard footsteps she quickly turn around the shock thing is that she was crying tears was storming on her cheeks and her eyes were red and buffy ,she quickly wiped them off and said

'' good morning ''try to force a smile '' is everything alright ?''i asked her staring at her face '' yeah ''she said and walked away to the room i followed her into the room ,she went to the bathroom as i change into a green t-shirt and jeans and put jel on my hair to make it to the back then sara walked out of the bathroom and walked passed me to the mirror and pulled her long hair into a ponytale which didnt help much because my shirt that she was wearing was now under her ass because her arms were up tying her hair , when i realize that i was checking her out i quickly changed my gaze to the messy bed and told her

''im going out i wont be late dont do anything stupid and i will tell the reseption to bring the cleaners and yeah i almost forgot dont eat to much you dont want to be more fat ''i said to her i know she not fat and she got the perfect body but as i said i want to make her life a living hell , i walked away to the front door to go meet sophie i told her that im gonna meet her at starbucks actullay i dont like her at all but i love her body and the best thing about her that she gives me what i want wherever i want and whenever i want and you know what i want to get into her pants.


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