part 21

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after i arrived amanda house i was greeted by her first she started to aske how i was but then she knew that i wasnt in mood for talkin so she walked me to the guest room and left when i checked the watch it was 8:30 PM i watched some movie and didnt sleep yet i was stil awake i played with my phone and checked some apps like twitter, tumblr, instagram then my phone died down great i forgot to bring the charger when i checked the watch it wa 2AM but i couldnt sleep i kept thinking about what happed and what justin could possibly doing with that special girl now i kept turning and turning and when it was 4AM i fall sleep.

i woke up the next morning felling the sun on my eyes when i checkes the watch it was 2:30PM shit i justin will be so fucking mad i checked got up and walked through the hallway and greeted by amanda "hey did you sleep well ?"she asked "im really late i should go but thank you for letting me stay here that means alot but i should really go now "i said hugging her and walking to the front door "ok be safe "she said "bye "i said and walked through the street to my hotel as soon as i opened the door for my room justin was standing there angrily "where have you been ?"he asked "sorry i was sleeping i didnt notice the time "i said softly "you dont know how worried i was "he yelled "sorry "i said and walked to the room to change when i came back to the living room justin was laying on the couch watching tv and sat the opposite way trying to keep distance between us we kept watching vampire dairies then suddenly "breaking news sara carter wife of justin bieber spotted leaving the hotel alone at night and justin spotted entering the hotel with an unkown girl sources says that sara came back to the hotel in the morning after the girl left the hotel with messed up hair and makeup ,is the couple having problems with each other and who is misterouse girl justin spend the night with ?"the tv announce shit , i looked at justin shocked and he was the same really shock then justin phone rang "hey scooter "justin said "put the phone on speaker "scooter said angrily "ok "justin said and put it on speaker "is sara with you "scooter asked "yeah im right here "i said and walked to sit nixt to justin to hear scooter "is the news real "scooter asked but we kept quite "answer me "scooter yelled "yes it is"justin said "justin you just cant hold your self can you "scooter said "you just keep playing with girls and paparazzi keeps revealing everything listen this is your last chance to make things better you and sara should go out and spot toghether and i want you two to kiss and i want the paparazzi to take that picture you hear me i want the whole world to bileve that your in love "scooter said "ok "scooter asked "ok fine "justin said annoyed "tomorrow at 11 AM i want you two to meet me at starbucks your gonna stay outside and im gonna be inside watching if i spoted the paparazii ill text you and then youll kiss ok?"scooter said "ok"i finally spoke "dress nice "scooter say and justin end the call "shit this is not good "he said looking at me ,i nodded "yeah " i said walking to the room "where are you going ?"he asked "to the bathroom "i said not turning to face him "hurry up because sophie will be here in ten min and i need the room "he said and i nodded and walked to the bathroom when i finished i stepped out of the bathroom to find justin and sophie makingout on the bed wow just great i ingored them and walked out of the room and made sure to close the door behinde beacuse beilve me hearing thier voices would suck i went to the couch and layed down i thought about calling my dad i didnt call him for so long but i really wasnt in the mood ,then i thought of calling ashley but jusin threaneded me not to tell anybody about whats happing and if i lied to her she would lnow that i was liying so i didnt call niether of them i opened the tv and start turning the channels and twilight was showing so i kept watching and soon fall asleep.

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