part 18

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we drove back to the house the boys decided that they gonna swim on the swimming pool , suddenly my stomach start to hurt shit, maybe im on my period and when im on my period nothing good happen i actually feel alot of pain in my stomach and i dont feel good "um justin whats the date today "i asked him he was laying on the bed "13 why "he said yeah that totally my period that means im not gonna swim with them "um nothing "i said and walked to the bathroom and it turns out it is really my period and i already starts to have a bad cramps i walked out of the bathroom and layed under the cover beside justin and curled into a ball giving him my back , cramps stared to get worse and i forgot to pack the pills this is really bad , the pain was increasing every minute and i hold my stomach and starts to cry silently the last thing i want justin to know is that im on my period "hey hey whats wrong why are you crying "he said turning my body around to face him and hugged me , i rested my head on his chest and started to cry loudly "shh its ok "he said rubbing my back to comfort me and i cried harder burring my face in his chest , he broke the hug and stared and me "sara whats wrong "he asked looking worried i didnt reply i just kept crying then he saw that my hand was on my stomatch "ohh ''he said understanding "are you on your period?"he asked almost whisper and i nodded "does it hurt that bad "he asked and i nodded "dont you have some pills or something "he asked "i forgot to pack them "i said "does a back massage help or something "he asked and i nodded he then wipped my tear and walked to the bathroom , he came back with oil "lay on your stomach "he said and i did what he said he then called the boys and asked them to cancel "take of your shirt "he said and i was too tired to argue with him he then crawled and sat on my butt AWKWARD eww i could feel his dick on my butt that's gross, then i feel him unclappes my bra and took them off, well that was not a problem because i was laying on my stomatch so he couldnt see anything after a few seconds a felt him put the oil on my shoulder and back and i moved a little to make my self comfortable "dont move "he said holding me still "ok "i said softly then he start to massage my shoulder moving very slow and moved slowly to my back , i moaned "you like it "he asked "yeah "i said but my voice came strange which made him chuckle and i can feel him vaibrate on me, he continue massaging and went move down on my back above my butt little and start massaging there and i started moaning like crazy "do you feel better "he asked and i nodded i soon started to fall asleep.

i woke up after afew hours checked the watch it was 6 PM, well i slept alot i then remembered what happened before i fell sleep and realized that i was only wearing my sweat pants with no bra or shirt i scanned the room and justin was no where in sight , i grabbed a fresh bra and one of my shirts yeah im still not gonna wear one of justin"s shirts , i walked to the bathroom washed my face and wore my shirt the pain was less painful now but it was still a killer i always hate first days of period , i opened the bathroom door and walked back to the room to find justin sitting on the edge of the bed he turned his focuse at me and smiled i smiled back "hey "i said "hii how do you feel now"he asked i was about to reply when suddenly i had another bad cramp and bent down a little he stood from the bed and walked to me "come on its gonna be ok "he said , then he carried me bridal style and walked to the living room "the boys are coming in a few second are gonna be okay with it "he asked "yeah "i said and he layed me on the couch and sat beside me and rested my head on his legs "do you always feel this bad "he said moving the hair from my face and massaging my temple , i nodded then the door rang and justin slowly moved my head and placed it on the couch and walked to open the door , maybe my plan worked after all he is acting so nice to me i dont think im gonna tell him the truth , i slowly stood up to say hii to the boys ignoring the pain ,"hey how do you feel "ryan said hugging me ,why are they all acting nice after the accident , then i hugged chaz and jake and when it was time to hug ky he just moved and walked to the couch leaving me standing there , justin pulled me down beside him and wrabbed his arm around my shoulder and moved me closer to him when i turned to look at ky he was glaring at me angrily what is wrong with him, they watched a movie i really dont know what it called bt it was boring but obviously they like it but i can feel ky glaring at me angrily i turned to look at justing he was staring at me smiling this is going great but i feel that ky gonna do something stupid and break everything , i leaned closer to justin's ears "justin can i go to the room i dont feel really good "i whispered to him "yeah i'll come with you "he said standing up and walking to the room holding my hand , we walked to the room and justin closed the door "do you need something "he asked me and i shook my head , then he pulled his shirt off "what ?your not staying with the guys ?"i said then he throw it on me and hit my face with it "hey why was that for "i asked pouting "i like you wearing my clothes "he said well i should act suprise "but i never w."he cut me off "yeah you did you just dont remember "he said and i nodded acting like i dont know what is he talking about when i was about to pull my shirt and wore justin shirt he walked and sat next to me on the bed "yeah this is better "he said "you know sara after all you are a great girl "he said leaning closer to my face "and i think im falling "he said moving closer with every word his lips were few inches away from mine and i could feel his hot breath on my lips when he was about to continue his word we heard a knock on the door justin groaned and walked to open the door and ky was standing on the door "can i talk to sara "ky said "no she's not feeling well "justin said "im not gonna take long "ky said and looked at me to come with him i slowly stood up and walked behind him to the kitchen

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