The Two-Faced Man

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They reached near the bottom of the stairs. The back of Sera's ear where her scar was started to burn again. She gasped, clapping a hand to the lumpy scar. It was painful, but not nearly as painful as it did the other night. Her brother's voice pulled her back.

"You?!" her broth gasped.

The familiar face of none other than Professor Quirrell was in view. The familiar purple turban made it easy to recognize him. Sera's face paled in fear and shock.

"No!" she tried denying. "It can't be!"

"At that Quidditch match back in November . . . . Snape was trying to kill my sister!" Harry insisted, gripping his sister's arm tightly.

"No, no, dear child," said Professor Quirrell. Sera noticed that there was no more stuttering coming from him. "I tried to kill her! And trust me, if Professor Snape hadn't been muttering his silly little counter-curses, I would have succeeded!"

"Then - Then it was you who let the troll in?" Dante stuttered.

"Correct. Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled. On Halloween night, Professor Snape set me off to the third-floor again. He never left me alone. But he doesn't understand. I'm never alone. Never."

Sera could feel her scar prickling painfully again, causing her to gasp. She clapped her hand over the back of her ear once more. Professor Quirrell began talking to himself.

"What does this mirror do? I see myself presenting the Stone to my master. But how do I get it?!"

"Use the girl!" a weak, raspy voice answered, causing Sera to jump slightly in alarm.

Quirrell whipped around, looking over at Sera with a look of malice and jealousy in his eyes. Sera could feel herself beginning to sweat.

"You, girl! Come here!"

Sera found herself slowly walking over towards the mirror. In the mirror's reflection, she could see Harry beginning to make his way forward, but Professor Quirrell stopped him.

"Not you, silly boy! I just want to have a conversation with the girl!"

Harry stayed put, though he was worried for his twin.

"Tell me, Potter. What do you see?" Professor Quirrell demanded.

Sera glanced into the mirror. After a few seconds of staring, she was surprised that her mirrored-self moved. She slipped a hand in her pocket before pulling out a blood-red stone that looked suspiciously to Sera like the Sorcerer's Stone. She felt a gentle weight in her pocket. Slyly, she moved her hand towards the pocket. When she turned back to stare at her reflection, it was mirroring her perfectly.

"Well?!" Professor Quirrell demanded unexpectedly. "What do you see, Potter?!"

"I see myself shaking hands with Professor Dumbledore," she stuttered. "I - I've won the House Cup."

"She lies!" the same voice hissed again.

"Potter! Tell me what you really see?!"

"Let me speak to her," the voice hissed again.

"Master, you're not strong enough!" Quirrell insisted, turning from Sera.

She knew that this was her chance to run. But she knew better and stayed put, only going back to Harry and Dante.

"Oh. But I am strong enough . . . . for this!"

Professor Quirrell undid his turban. There, behind his turban, was the face of none other than -

"Voldemort," Sera whispered, terrified.

"Yes. See what I've become? Unicorn blood can sustain me, but I need a body of my own. And it's something that lies right inside your very pocket!"

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