Dementor Attacks

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***Walker Scobell & Annalise Basso as Durante Knightley & Seraphina Potter*** 

Sera, Ron, Hermione, and Dante were hanging out in Ron's room when the Weasley twins Apparated in on them, startling everyone. 

"Harry's just been expelled from Hogwarts!" Fred announced in a frantic voice. 

Sera leapt to her feet, her face pale. "What?!" 

"How did you know?" Hermione asked at the same time. 

"We heard it, through the Extendable Ears." 

The twins tugged on the long ear they were holding. Sera sighed. 

"You should probably put those away before Mrs. Weasley finds them. She'll know that you've been eavesdropping." 

"As long as she doesn't figure out, we'll be fine," said Fred with a nonchalant shrug. It was as though he didn't care if they got caught making these things for their future joke shop the twins had been talking non-stop about (only when Mrs. Weasley wasn't around, of course. Mr. Weasley thinks that the idea is absolutely hilarious). 

"Anyways, Harry just got expelled. Did you even hear about how that happened?"

"Apparently, it was the dementors. He was in danger from them, obviously, and had to defend himself by using magic."

"That's the only legal time underage wizards can really use magic, though," Sera pointed out. 

"I know. But apparently, he did it 'in the presence of a Muggle', and that he was expelled for that."

"That's outrageous!" Sera seethed, jumping to her feet. "I would go to the Minister, myself, if I could. But I don't think that's necessarily allowed right now. He's in a very . . . . shitty mood at the moment. Trust me. I think that we've all seen how the Minister has acted ever since Voldemort's return." 

"And expelling Harry for no reason?" Hermione scoffed. She got to her feet. "I'm going to the manor's library to make sure the rules are correct." 

And with that, she left. She didn't get back until late that evening. When she returned, she looked incredibly flustered. Sera noticed that she had a book in her hand. 

"They can't expel him!" she declared. "They just can't! I've looked it all up — went through nearly every single book out there in your godfather's library, Sera. Your brother did the right thing! He protected himself and his Muggle cousin from danger. That is the only time you'll necessarily need to use magic in the presence of a Muggle." 

Sera shushed her. "Quiet! Someone's coming up the stairs!" 

They went quiet. Sera nervously watched th doorhandle turn. Sera was relieved when her brother stood there at the door. Before Sera could react, Hermione had beaten her to it, hugging Harry tightly to the point where her brother thought that he couldn't breathe. 

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