Harry's Suspicions

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November came far too quickly for the group of friend's liking. Sera was irritated that Harry was more interested in the Half-Blood Prince's book, rather than trying to figure out who he is. It was safe to say, for Sera, that her brother was basically married to the book, as he hadn't let go of it since he first put his hands on it. 

"For weeks, all you've been doing is carrying this book

 around," his sister ranted on. "You practically sleep with it. Yet you have no desire to figure out who the Half-Blood Prince actually is?" 

"I didn't say that I wasn't curious, sis," Harry retorted defensively. Sera rolled her eyes at his response. "And I'm not sleeping with it. And I'm most certainly not married to that book!" 

Sera snorted. "It seems like you are." 

Ron spoke up. "It's true, y'know? I always like to have a nice little chat with your brother, Sera, before I go to sleep. Now all he does is read that bloody book." 

Hermione spoke up rather casually, "Well, I was curious about the Half-Blood Prince, so I decided to go to the —" 

"Library," her friends finished for her in unison. That's what Hermione liked to do when something was on her mind. You could find her there at least half of the school year. 

"And?" Harry prodded. 

Hermione sighed in defeat. "Nothing! I couldn't find any sort of reference anywhere about a Half-Blood Prince." 

They came to a halt as they caught sight of Professor Fillius Flitwick talking to Professor Slughorn. 

"Fillius! I was hoping to catch you here at the Three Broomsticks!" 

"Nah, emergency choir practice, I'm afraid, Horace. Gotta leave, immediately." 

And with that, they watched Professor Flitwick hobbling down the snowy path on his short legs. The five friends stood there in an awkward silence. Ron finally spoke up.

"Does anyone fancy a drink of Butterbeer?" 

The Three Broomsticks was a cozy restaurant. A fire roared in the large fireplace near them as they took their seats. Sera sighed with relief as she finally shrugged her coat off. 

"Something to drink?" A waited asked them. 

"Butterbeers for all of us, please," Sera answered at once. 

"But with a hint of ginger in mine, please," Hermione added hastily. 

The waiter jotted the orders down and then left. As soon as he did, Ron rose halfway up his seat, staring at something across the restaurant. 

"Oh, bloody hell!" he groaned in disgust. 

"What?" Sera asked. 

"Slick git," Ron seethed. 

Sera turned to see what Ron was looking at. And, sure enough, fellow Gryffindor student, Dean Thomas, was being romantically affectionate with her sister, Ginny. She rolled her eyes at Ron's drama. 

"Oh, c'mon, Ronald. They're only holding hands." She turned again and her eyes widened. She looked away uncomfortably. "And snogging." 

"I'd like to leave," Ron butted in bluntly. "Now." 

Sera gave him a look of confusion. "But we just got here! You can't be serious!"

"That, there, so happens to be my sister!" 

"So?" Hermione butted in. "What if she looked over here to see Dante and Sera snogging each other? Would you expect her to leave if they did that in front of her?" 

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