The Mystery of the Half-Blood Prince

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The Potions classroom seemed to be highly different from the old classroom Sera was used to. And, of course, Professor Slughorn seemed to be more knowledgeable and friendlier than Professor Snape had been.

Professor Slughorn had begun teaching the class when Sera had noticed that her brother hadn't showed up. She bit her lower lip anxiously in hopes that her brother would, one way or another, show up. Finally, in the middle of Professor Slughorn's lecture (Which was highly more fascinating than Professor Snape's boring old lectures), her brother finally showed up with Ron.

"Oh!" said Professor Slughorn with relief. "Harry, my dear boy! I was beginning to worry! You've brought someone with you, I see?"

"Ron Weasley, sir," Ron answered with a stupid grin on his face. "But I'm dead awful at Potions. A bit of a menace, actually -"

"Nonsense!" Professor Slughorn scoffed. "We'll sort you out. Anybody who is a friend of Harry's and Seraphina's is a friend of mine. Get your books out."

"Sorry, sir," said Harry apologetically. "But I haven't got my books, and neither does Ron. We didn't think that we'd be taking Potions this year."

"Not to worry, you can get your books from the cupboard back there. Now, I've prepared some concoctions for you over here this morning. Can anyone tell me what these three potions may be?" Sera immediately shot her hand in the air, eager to answer the question. At least she would not be ignored as she had been the past five years. "Yes, Miss -"

"Potter, sir," Sera answered, smiling.

Professor Slughorn brightened. "You aren't the daughter of Mr. James Potter and Lily Evans now, are you?"

Sera smiled again. "Yes, sir. She was my mother before . . . . that day."

Professor Slughorn nodded forlornly. "I see you look like your mother. Now, can you please tell me what these potions are?"

"Yes, sir. That one over here, that's Veritaserum, a truth potion." She shuddered at the thought of what happened in their fourth year when they interrogated the fake Professor Moody, who turned out to be the torturer of Dante Knightley's father before he was personally killed by Voldemort. "And that there, is Polyjuice Potion. It can temporarily turn one's self into the physical form of another. And this over here, is Amortentia, a love potion. It's supposed to be the most powerful love potion in the world. There are rumors that each person has a different scent when they smell Amortentia. For example, I smell . . . . I smell Bergamot from my bedroom at the Burrow, fresh rain, and -" she took another whiff from the potion, looking rather confused "- Sandalwood."

She backed away, wondering why the hell Sandalwood would be one of her favorite scents. It wasn't until she stood right next to Dante. Her eyes widened with shock when she recognized the familiar sandalwood-and-amber cologne that he wore all the time. She just never noticed it until now.

A blush formed on her face and she tried to hide it. Professor Slughorn nodded and smiled at the girl. Sera was relieved when Professor Slughorn didn't question her on why her scent was Sandalwood.

"Correct, Miss Potter. Now, to remind you all, Amortentia doesn't actually create love. That would be impossible, of course! But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. Which is why it's probably the most dangerous potion in this entire classroom."

He closed the potion with its lid as Pansy Parkinson, Lavender Brown, Freya Halliwell, and Romilda Vane approached it, looking quite eager to get a whiff of their favorite scents.

"Sir?" said Pansy Parkinson. "You haven't told us what's in that one."

Professor Slughorn let out a hearty laugh and picked up the vial from its holder.

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