Chapter 5: We told you so!

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"Are you ready?" Amelia jested while chucking the ball from one hand to the other

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"Are you ready?" Amelia jested while chucking the ball from one hand to the other. Peter and Susan shook their heads at the girl while laughing slightly. Amelia was still a bit shaken up from the Professor's talk the previous day, but she had decided that she would not let it bother her. She had thought about all night and once the clock had struck 3am she decided it was all a load of bull. It was a beautiful day and she was not going to waste it worrying about some old man's antics or about siblings who didn't trust each other. She didn't want to be involved and express her belief in Narnia. She had to admit, though, that she needed something to relax her and throwing a ball at Edmund? Nothing could be more fun.

Edmund was still staring into space; evidently, he hadn't heard a word that Amelia had called out to him. The sun was shining out on the Professor's back lawn and a cool breeze blew across the five children. Amelia took this as her chance.

"Amelia winds up, poised to take yet another wicket!" Peter comments from the side. Amelia bowls the ball at her top speed and it hit Edmund right on the leg.

"Ow!" he shouted, grabbing his leg. Amelia giggled, chuffed with herself. She was enjoying the fresh air. She had woken up that morning lighter and felt almost rejoiced once she had let go of all the drama from the previous day.

"Wake up dolly-daydream!" Peter yelled, laughing with Amelia. It felt good to let loose some her anger towards Edmund. The two of them had been on bad terms ever since they met, but the tension only increased with his antics from the previous night and Amelia knew she would regret what came out of her mouth if she didn't blow off some steam.

Susan grabbed the ball and chucked it to Amelia who caught it with ease, "Can't we play hide and seek again?" Edmund asked.

Amelia stayed quiet, not in the mood to relive the events from the day before. She feared that if she spoke she would not be able to stop herself from attacking the younger Pevensie boy.

"I thought you said it was a kid's game," Peter replied.

"Besides," Susan added, "We can all use the fresh air."

"It's not like there isn't any air inside." He complained again.

Amelia had had enough of this back and forth, "Are you ready?"

"Are you?" He replied, hitting his bat on the floor. Amelia bowled, focusing on accuracy and speed, and Edmund whacked it hard. It soared through the air like a graceful eagle. Amelia watched it in awe. It was a rather beautiful sight as it passed over the sun. The ball then smashed into one of the upstairs windows and a loud crash was heard from the other side – it's beauty was short-lived. Amelia could feel the worry seep into the veins of her heart and mind. They were in deep trouble.

There was a moment of silence amongst the children, all them glancing at each other nervously before Peter took off running, the others followed suit. They raced through the front door and into the maze of corridors.

Once upstairs, they came upon the crash site rather quickly. The floor was littered with broken glass and a scattered piece of armour that was – with no doubt –very expensive. Amelia could feel her breathing grow heavier each time she inhaled. What would the Macready do? Would she convince the Professor to send them back to London? They can't go back! They would certainly die with all the bombings, and their parents would wring their necks for being so reckless! Amelia shivered at the thought of her father's fury.

"Well done Ed!" Peter stated exasperatedly with a pointed look toward Edmund.

"She bowled it!" Edmund protested angrily.

"What on earth is going on?" They heard Mrs Macready shout from somewhere in the house.

"The Macready!" Susan panicked.

They all turned to Peter, hoping that he had a plan, "Come on!" Peter said before he dashed down the hall. The rest of the children followed right behind him. No matter what turn or hallway they took, it sounded like the Macready was always just around the corner. The sounds led them to choose different paths each time for fear of her royal wickedness. Lucy and Amelia glanced at each other once they noticed the dark corridor they were in. They knew this place all too well.

They tried to open a few doors, but all of them were sealed tight. Edmund then barged into the spare room, the only unlocked door. He ran across the open space towards the wardrobe on the other side. The door was flung open in a hurried burst of movement and the dark-haired boy and gestured for his siblings and Amelia to follow. Amelia looked at him flabbergasted.

"Come on!" He said, panicked and desperate.

"You've got to be joking," Susan said in disbelief, looking at Edmund sceptically.

The Macready's steps then echoed into the room. They sounded like they were right down the hall! The remaining four took one glance before they scrambled to the opening of the wardrobe, Peter at the tail. Everyone cramped inside the small cupboard, as silent as stars. Amelia and Lucy held hands. Amelia knew what was going through the little girl's head:


Peter left the door open a crack and was peeking outside. They all started pushing back, eager to get as far away from the entrance as possible. They stumbled over one another and shouted in annoyance

"Get Back!"

"My toe!"

"I'm not on your toe!"

"Will you stop shoving?"


Suddenly Peter and Susan fell back onto... snow! There was snow covering every inch of the amazing forest. Amelia yelled in happiness. They were in Narnia!

Susan and Peter looked around in wonder and shock at the snow covered branches that stuck out like hands welcoming them into this alternate world.

Amelia grinned from her place deeper in the forest and the two Pevensies stared at her in disbelief.

"We told you so!"

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