Chapter 10: The not-so-secret Army

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Amelia stood nervously next to Edmund as the witch gazed at the no-longer-frozen river. She was sure that Edmund could also feel the anger rolling off the witch in waves of red. Amelia's heart filled with hope. She knew what the river meant. They survived! They got past it! The wolves didn't kill them. Edmund and Amelia said nothing as the witch studied the blue water that was now surrounded by green forest. Amelia smiled, Her power is weakening.

"It's so warm out," The dwarf- the witch's escort- moved to take off his woolly coat but one strong glare from the witch stopped him, "... I'll go and check the sleigh."

Amelia could see the light smile on Edmunds face. He was undoubtedly amused by the dwarf's little episode. She hadn't spoken to him since this morning on the sleigh and she had to admit she was surprised that her two words- just peachy- had managed to keep him quiet. While Amelia was still unbelievably angry at him for everything- running away, giving up the Pevensies, etc. - she had to face the fact that it was all a mistake. He ran away because the witch made him feel welcome and the rest of them made no effort to do so. He gave up the Pevensies because he was scared that the witch would hurt him. She had come to terms with the fact that he was only human and she would rather go through this with him than without him. She made a promise to herself and to his siblings that night on the hill when she gave them that last smile. She wouldn't let them down.

"You majesty," a voice interrupted her thoughts. The three of them turned around to face the wolves that emerged from the shrubbery, "We found the prisoner. He was rallying troops in the shuddering woods."

Amelia noticed the fox that was held tight in a wolf's mouth. A slight wave of sadness and pained flowed through her and joined the existing exhaustion that came from being around the witch and the sadness from Tumnus's untimely end. It was almost as if she could sense the fox's feelings. She was overwhelmed by it all.

The fox was thrown to the ground and he let out a loud squeak that made Amelia jump. His red-orange coat was tinted in crimson.

"Ah, nice of you to drop in," the witch teased, "You were so helpful to my wolves last night, perhaps you can help me now?"

Amelia sent a worried gaze to Edmund, only to see that he was already looking at her. His eyes were dull and his lips pursed tightly. Amelia quickly looked away, embarrassed slightly.

"Forgive me, your majesty," he fox spoke.

"Oh don't waste my time with flattery!"

"Not to seem rude, but I wasn't actually talking to you." He gave a pointed gaze towards Edmund. The witch also turned and gave Edmund an angry glare that sent shivers down Amelia's spine.

The witch threateningly walked closer to the fox while spinning her wand cockily. She pointed its ice tip at the fox and he cowered backwards, "Where are the humans headed?"

The fox stayed silent which only made the witch angrier. Amelia gasped as the witch drew her hand back and-

"Wait! No! Don't!" Before Amelia knew it, Edmund had jumped to the rescue. For a moment, a swell of pride filled Amelia, He's saving the fox! He standing up to the witch! Oh how wrong she was, "The Beaver's said something about the stone table and that Aslan had an army there!"

Amelia almost attacked him. She couldn't believe that he had done it again! Right when she was coming to terms with everything, he had to go and make the same mistake twice! He had to go and give up his family and the army that was meant to defeat the witch. Amelia could feel herself growing weaker. For a moment, while they were in the warm air and surrounded by the luscious greenery, she felt like the witch couldn't exhaust her to the brink of death anymore. She felt stronger, as if the sunlight had rejuvenated her and given her hope after Tumnus... but now she felt flooded with dread. Her strength had floated away and in its place was a fist of disappointment that gripped her heart.

"An army?" The witch amusedly stated. Amelia could see the disappointed look that the fox gave Edmund, "Thank you Edmund, I'm glad this creature got to see some honesty," she paused, "BEFORE HE DIED!"

Without wasting a second she thrusted her wand at the fox and turned him into stone.

"No!" Edmund cried, but Amelia could make no sound. It was the same feeling she got when Tumnus died. It felt like a piece of her had been taken and frozen over. It felt like she lost someone close to her, a pain unparalleled to any other. In that moment, all of her strength failed. She tried to slowly make her way to the ground but collapsed with a thump. She held her head in her hands as the tears ran down her cheeks, but she didn't make a sound. She refused to sob. She refused to submit to the pain of the witch. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay.

Amelia just managed to look up as the witch slapped Edmund on the cheek. She couldn't do anything but watch. The witch grabbed Edmund's face and forced him to look at her, "Think about whose side you're on, Edmund. Mine?" She then forced him to look at the fox and Amelia, "Or there's?"

Edmund moved to sit next to Amelia while the witch spoke to her wolves, "Go on ahead, gather the faithful. If it's a war Aslan wants," she flicked up her wand and turned a fluttering butterfly into stone, sending another wave of pain through Amelia, "It's a war he shall get."

Amelia let out a shaky breath. The tears had stopped falling and the pain was starting to subside, but that only left place in her mind for worry. So much for the secret army.

"Amelia?" Edmunds voice pulled her out of her thoughts, "I just made things worse, didn't I?"

Amelia sighed, this was first time they've ever spoken without yelling or being rude to each other, "Let's just say you deserved that slap."

Hi everyone!

So, as promised, here is a new chapter! I know it's a tad short, but I had to include this scene from the movie otherwise the timeline of the story would get a bit jumbled, and the scene unfortunately did not fit into my next chapter (which is SUPER long, by the way :))

So, things have calmed down a tad since we last saw Amelia. Before, in chapter 8, we ended off with her in a sort of silent state as she sat on the floor of the witch's sleigh. Now we see that she's starting to understand everything Edmund has done, which is making her considerably less exhausted and emotional, except for when Edmund gives up the Pevensies... again. And when the witch turns two animals into stone. It seems that whenever the witch or anyone does something to hurt the greater good, Amelia is exhausted (hint hint ;))

Do you agree with Amelia's thoughts on why Edmund ran away and why he did all the things he did? DO you think she is wise to 'sort-of-forgive' him?  Does my secret little hint give you an idea of Amelia's past and what she could be?

Comment below!

Gabbi xxx

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