Chapter 13| King against King

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Edmund's POV

Edmund could hear the roar of the Narnians when he and Peter were still below ground, but once they had come to the surface the noise deafening. His heart pounded in his ears, but he kept his face neutral, whereas Peter's look was stone cold. Edmund knew Peter was a good gither, he just hoped his brother had enough in him to defeat Miraz.

Ed felt comfortable in his armor. It was the same armor he had worn when they fought the witch. The red cloth bearing Aslan's seal was rubbing against his chest, somehow providing him with comfort. He carried Peter's sword in his hand whereas his brother only carried his shield.

Miraz was waiting on the other side of the ruins that marked the entrance to the How. He sat on a chair, his Lords and generals around him. They were muttering to each other, scheming most likely, but that was not Edmund's focus. His eyes were stuck on the girl at Miraz's feet, her hands and feet bound together with a rope hanging loosly from Miraz's hand that kept her in place. Edmund doubted she'd be able to escape even without the rope. She was weak physically, but he knew her mind was as strong as ever. She was waiting, but Edmund didn't know for what.

Glenstorm was waiting for them and he bowed his head in respect as the brothers passed him. Edmund held out Peter's sheath and Peter grabbed his sword and freed it without a moment's otice. The Narnian cheers grew louder behind them. Miraz put on his helmet and drew his own sword, but his army was too far away to cheer for him.

The two fightrs walked into the center square where the match would take place. They circled each other, each looking like a vulture eyeing its prey.

"There is still time to surrender," Miraz stated from under his golden mask-like helmet.

"Well, feel free," Peter responded. Edmund saw the left corner of Amelia's mouth pull up slightly.

"How many more must die for the throne."

"Just one," Peter pulled down his helmet so that it covered his nose and mouth.

After a single moment of silence, they charged.

Miraz headed straight for Peter but Peter hopped onto a rock with one leg and lifted himself off the gorund, raising both his shield and sowrd. Both swords hit their opponent's shields, but Pter's blow and shaken Miraz's shield arm.

They charged again and Miraz shoved his shield into Peter's face, causing him to stagger backward, but he quickly recovered and sent another blow towards Miraz. The two sent blows back and forth but ec one was dodged of deflected with a shield. Peter managed to get behind Miraz and slash at his back, causing the usurper to stumble. Peter ducked Miraz' swipe and struck at the golden warrior's stomach. Peter ducked another blow but cried out in ain as Miraz knocked Peter's face with his shield, causing Peter's helmet to clatter to the ground.

Edmund watched transfixed as Peter took another blow to the head but the cut a sharp wound on Miraz's exposed leg. Miraz gripped his leg in pain and the fight paused for a moment. Miraz's eyes darted to his general, and Edmund's brows furrowed in confusion, before the older king swiped at Peter's legs and the blond boy did a front flip but landed painfully on the ground. Peter scrambled up again and the fight paused before Miraz hit Peter with his shield that sent the narnian King to the floor again.

Miraz stepped on Peter's shield arm, causing Peter to wail in pain. Edmund heard a painful CRACK and he saw Amelia flinch at the sight of Peter's very broken arm. Peter sent a blow to Miraz's face from the ground but it wa deflected and Peter started rolling away. Miraz swiped at the rolling body but Peter defended each blow with his sword before he hit Miraz with the flat side of his sword. The Gold King tripped over Peter and landed painfully against the alcove of rocks.

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