Chapter 12| Negotiate

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Peter's POV

"Cakes and kaledrums, that's your next big plan?" Trumpkin asked him, "Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest, alone?"

Peter sighed. As if he enjoyed sending Lucy away, "It's our only chance."

"And she won't be alone," Susan added.

Trumpkin was incredulous, "Haven't enough of us died already?"

"Nikarrbrik was my friend too," Trufflehunter spoke from beside Edmund, "But he lost hope – Queen Lucy hasn't, and neither have I. I'm sure Amelia would want us to do all we can."

Reepicheep drew his sword, "For Aslan."

"For Aslan," the bear to Peter's right echoed.

"For Amelia," Peter heard Edmund whisper under his breath.

Trumpkin turned to Lucy, "Then I'm going with you."

Lucy shook her head, "No, we need you here."

"We have to hold them off 'till Lucy and Susan get back," Peter explained.

"If I may," Peter looked over to Caspian who had stood from his seat beside Professor Cornelius, "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer, but as King, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one, in particular, that may buy us some time."

Peter wasn't sure he was going to like what he was about to hear.

Edmund's POV

Edmund didn't hesitate to volunteer for the task. He needed to see her. He needed to make sure she was okay – that she could hold on until they got her out. He wasn't sure how he would react to seeing her up close after believing she was dead, but that was the last of his worries when a soldier came out of the tent and told him the Lords were ready.

Miraz sat at the centre of the large u-shaped table. On both his sides sat his lords and generals who would hopefully persuade him into Peter's trap. Edmund's eyes quickly darted around the tent, but they came to rest on her face – the face marked with cuts, bruises, blood and scars. He felt like screaming. He felt like killing every single one of them. He already knew from his glimpse at the How that she was weak, but up close her body was frail and caked in blood and dirt. Her eyes were sunken into her head and her cheeks were emptily framing her bone-dry lips. She sat on the floor in front of the table. Edmund noticed the rope around her wrists leading to Miraz's hand under the table. Edmund could barely control himself, but he knew she wouldn't want him to risk Peter's plan for her. He knew she would want him to wait. So he bottled it up and unravelled his scroll before he began to read:

"I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable diffusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender and Her Greatness, The Lady Silvanus."

Edmund despised that last line. It made her out to be some sort of prize to win, but he knew that if Peter hadn't put it in, then the Telmarines would walk away with her even if Peter won.

"Tell me, Prince Edmund," Miraz began as Edmund rolled up his scroll.

"- King" Edmund interjected.

Miraz looked puzzled, "Pardon me?"

"It's King Edmund, actually," Edmund explained, "Just King though. Peter's the High King. I know, it's confusing."

He glanced down and saw Amelia barely containing her smile. Edmund almost smiled himself.

Miraz looked to the lord at his side before returning his gaze to Edmund, "Why would we risk such a proposal when our arms could wipe you out by nightfall?"

Edmund looked around, searching his head for an idea to convince them. He decided to go with self-doubt, "Haven't you already underestimated our numbers? I mean, only a week ago, Narnians were extinct."

Miraz sneered, "And so you will be again."

"Well, then you should have little to fear." Edmund didn't know where his fast tongue was coming from, but he assumed Amelia's proud gaze from below was giving him a confidence boost.

Miraz laughed, "This is not a question of bravery."

Edmund smirked, "So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?"

Edmund immediately knew that he had struck a nerve. He looked at all the lords watching their King in anticipation. He knew they expected him to accept.

Miraz leaned forward, "I didn't say I refuse."

"You shall have our support, your majesty," one Lord spoke from Edmund's left, "Whatever your decision."

"Sire," said the Lord to Miraz's right, "Our military advantage alone provides the perfect excuse as to why we should avoid –"

"I'm not avoiding anything!" Miraz was on his feet now, holding his sword threateningly.

"I was merely pointing out that my Lord was well within his rights to refuse," The lord tried to justify himself.

"His majesty would never refuse," said a man to Edmunds left. The man was standing, so Edmund assumed he must be general, "He relishes in the chance to show the people the courage of their new king."

Edmund looked at Miraz expectantly as he tried not to smirk.

"You," Miraz pointed his sword at Edmund, "You should hope your brother's sword is sharper than his pen."

Edmund nodded in agreement and gave one final glance to Amelia. He hoped the look in his eye told her that he would come back, that she just needed to hold on a little longer.

"Oh, and King Edmund," Edmund faced Miraz, "You should know, should you lose, that your friend here shall be my soldiers' reward." Edmund could not stop the murderous look from crossing his features, "Perhaps that might give your brother something to fight for."

Edmund didn't move his gaze from Amelia until the Telmarine soldiers had dragged him out of the tent.

Peter had no choice. If he didn't win, Edmund would kill Miraz himself.

Caspian's POV

"Desiree has always served me well," Caspian said as he tightened the horse's stirrups, "You are in good hands."

"Or hooves," Lucy laughed.

With one last tug, everything was set. Caspian looked up at Susan, "Good Luck."

He face was like stone, and Caspian could not himself from admiring her strength for a moment. Her mission was difficult, and the chances were slim. He supposed he had always respected for the fact that she didn't shy away from danger when it came to her family. She was the only Pevensie he liked somewhat, although her sister wasn't that bad. Stop it Caspian. Amelia is still out there.

"Thanks," Susan replied.

"Look," Caspian pulled out her horn from his belt, "Maybe it is time you had this back." He held it out to her.

"Why don't you hold on to it," she said, "You might need to call me again."

They were out of the cave, but Caspian still stood in his spot shocked that his heart was beating so quickly.

No. Caspian scolded himself, Not now. Not while she's still out there. 

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