Chapter 15| The Call

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I smiled and waved as the people of Telmar cheered for the Narnians. It was truly a sight. The Narnians walked through the roads of this once evil place, and the citizens cheered them on – grateful for the newfound freedom and fellowship. Edmund and I rode side by side with Caspian, Aslan and his siblings ahead of us. I chuckled and caught a rose that was flung from the crowd.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Edmund looking at me and I sent him a playful wink before making the rose grow even bigger until it was the size of a small plate.

"For you, my king," I handed him the rose and he chuckled whilst taking it with his free hand.

He shook his head, "I don't think that's how it's supposed to work."

Like always when I spoke with Edmund, all the noise and cheers faded into the background and I could only hear his voice. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?"

He smiled before taking my left hand and delicately wrapping my fingers around the rose, "You are the pretty girl, and that means that I should be giving this to you."

I giggled, "Have you always been this old fashioned?"

He shrugged, "I prefer to call it chivalrous."

"Well, it suits you." I gingerly took the rose and tucked it into my hair and sighed in content.

The following morning, after all the celebration and fireworks had ended, I found myself strolling in the palace gardens in search of one particular King. Surely enough I spotted him as he exited one of the doors into the courtyard.

"Caspian!" I called out before jogging over. He waited patiently with his arms folded behind his back.

"Amelia," he greeted before we started walking through the gardens. The air grew tense and awkward.

Moments of silence passed as I contemplated my words and gathered my courage. How does one approach something like this?

"I wanted to speak with you," I started, hoping that it would get the ball rolling.

He nodded, "Me aswell, although, I'm not sure where to begin..."

I faced him as we walked, "Well... I suppose I just want to apologize for everything. I know it may seem like I left you for Edmund instantly, but It really wasn'-"

Caspian cut me off with a chuckle, "Amelia, there is nothing to forgive. I think we both know that our hearts belong with other people." Caspian's eyes travelled across the courtyard and I followed his gaze, only to find Susan speaking with Peter and Aslan.

I looked over to Caspian and smiled, "I had a feeling it was her. Seems we both can't avoid the Pevensie charm."

We both chuckled at the thought before a deep, familiar voice intrupted us, "Your Majesty? Amelia?"

I looked over and saw Aslan looking at us expectantly. I caught the sad gaze that Susan sent Caspian's way, and I wondered why her eyes held so much sorrow.

Caspian seemed to suddenly remember why he came out to the courtyard in the first place, "We are ready. Everyone has assembled."

Suddenly the memory hit me like a bomb. Today was the day that the Pevensies might return home. My heart dropped into my stomach. Ed and I hadn't even spoken about it, and now he might leave once again. Would I go with him? Could I even go with him?

The others didn't seem to notice my silence as we walked to where the ceremony would take place. The area was a small square in the town with a large tree on the edge of the balcony that overlooked the valley below. The entire town had gathered and were watching as we all took our places on the stage. Edmund was next to me, as I had expected, and I couldn't stop myself from grabbing his hand in slight panic. My mind was jumbled and frazzled. I didn't know what to do.

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