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Edmund smiled, old memories resurfacing as he entered the large gates of Professor Kirke's home. Peter was studying here, and had invited his brother to stay for the week by the grace of the Professor. Edmund could remember every last crevice as he walked up to the grand front doors.

The Macready hadn't picked him up in her carriage like last time, instead he walked the path from the station up to the large mansion. He knew the path well, for he saw it often in his dreams and recollections of Narnia.

The house was just as he remembered it, large and warm with a giant front door guarded by two steel suits of armour. Edmund knocked twice, and only had to wait a few seconds before the door was hastily opened.

"Ed!" Peter heard his brother shout before being pulled in an embrace tighter than anything he had every felt before. He returned the enthusiasm, clapping his brother on the back.

"Pete! So good to see you!" the younger Pevensie grinned before the two let go.

Peter Pevensie took Edmund's other suitcase and proceeded to lead him through the house, "What you been up to, mate? I haven't seen you since mum jetted Susan and I off to America."

This was almost two years ago.

Edmund grinned, "I have a lot of stories to tell you, Peter. Oh, and Caspian wanted me to let you know that he has your sword polished at least twice a week."

Peter dropped Edmund's bag on the wooden floor in shock, "You went back?"

The boy grinned, "An adventure of a lifetime."

The older Pevensie laughed before picking up the suitcase again and continuing down their path through the wooden corridors, "It always is with Narnia. You have to tell me what happened." Peter stopped suddenly and turned to a door on his left, "We can talk about it later over tea with Professor Kirke. Here's your room, tea is in about ten minutes so get settled in and then just take a left outside your door and carry straight on."

"Cool, see you in a few."

The older Pevensie grinned before shutting the door behind him, leaving Edmund in silence. He smiled as he remembered hide and seek in these halls, and meeting her. Amelia. This was where they met. His heart wrenched at the thought, so he shoved in the back of his mind before grabbing a more formal sweater and heading out the door. He turned left and continued straight for about a minute before he came across a familiar corridor.

The spare room

It lay up the stairs to his left. To his right was the corridor they had sprinted down as children after Edmund broke the window. He could hardly believe it. A quick look at his watch told him he had 5 minutes before tea, Just a quick look, for old time's sake.

He quickly rushed up the stairs and smiled as he remembered, fourth door on the left. With a creek, the handle twisted to reveal the spare room, the familiar scene of the wardrobe greeting him, although it was not covered in white cloth like he had expected. Instead, the cloth lay abandoned on the floor and the door to the wardrobe stood wide open. Did they forget to close it last time?

That's when Edmund noticed the figure in the corner of the room.

The woman was petite, but had muscles in every place possible. Her body reminded him of a warrior, not a girl. Her hair was a familiar shade of brown that reminded him of the forest floor. Her back turned to towards him, and her hands were patting her clothing up and down as if she couldn't believe she was wearing it – a white collared shirt and a royal blue skirt that flittered past her knees.

"Excuse me?" Edmund muttered, wanting to see her face. It can't be.

She turned around, and Edmund held in a gasp as he took in her face, "Edmund?"

His smiled grew wider with each passing second, his heart fluttered and his mind blared with excitement.

She was here.

Their time had come.


Heart and Home~ Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now