Chapter 13: Dulce est Decorrum est Pro patria mori

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The following morning, Amelia felt the most unprepared for battle as she had ever been. Her body was still weak from her months in the trade. Her mind was weak from the memories and flashbacks. Her heart was weak because she missed him. She missed Edmund. He hadn't spoken to her since she told him they could no longer be together for his own good, and while she still believed that, she had atleast hoped they would remain somewhat civil with each other. Instead, they haven't spoken. At all.

She stood on the main deck of the Treader as they sailed towards the island. She was surrounded by crew, all of them decked in armour and weapons. Eustace was flying high overhead, keeping watch for attacks. She stood to the left of Drinian with the minotaur, while Caspian, Lucy and Edmund stood to his right. They watched on as Drinian guided the ship towards an opening in the mist.

"So, what do you think is in there?" the minotaur asked her.

She sighed, "Our weaknesses."

"Our worst nightmares," Edmund added.

Caspian said, "Our darkest wishes."

"Pure Evil," Drinian also added.

The air was morbid. The fear was floating off the crew in waves. Amelia sensed it the moment she woke up. This would be a tough battle, and though she knew the crew to be strong hearted, even the strongest of men have failed her in battle because the fear overcomes them.

Caspian, Edmund and Lucy and some of the crew left to get the final battle preparations ready. Amelia stood beside Drinian, feeling comfortable with the Captain. She felt as though they had become somewha friends during her time aboard.

"Your mind is distracted, m'lady. That's not good for battle."

Amelia smiled, "I am well rehearsed in the art of war, Drinian. I am aware that my mind will do me no good today."

The captain gave her a side-glance, "May I make a suggestion?"

"Feel free."

"Whatever problem you have with those kings, m'lady, you need to clear them before this battle starts. If life on the sea has taught me anything, it's that life can be ripped away so easily. It's better to be at peace with someone than have them die while you were not speaking."

Amelia pondered his suggestion, but found that her situation was far more complicated. Niether Edmund or Caspian have made any attempts at reconcilliation. She doubted they wanted to. While Caspian h=and her were on better terms, they were hardly the power duo they used to be. And Edmund... him and Amelia were nothing like they used to be.

"I'm afraid it's more complicated than that."

The Captain gave her a sneaky smile, "Is it really?"

The horns sounded. It was too late.

Amelia immediately shoved the conversation out of her mind and put her war face on. War was as much a mind game as it was a physical one, and she needed to prepare herself.

The crew gathered on the main deck, all armoured and organised. Caspian, Lucy and Edmund met her on the upper deck with Drinian. She couldn't help but ponder over the Captain's words as she gazed solemnly at the faces of Caspian and Edmund. Both past loves, but only a true love. Both her closest friends, but only one would forever be her closest and most loyal friend.

She did not, however, have time to speak words of apology. Instead she took in the words of Caspian as he addressed his crew.

"No matter what happens here, every soul who stands before me has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader. Together, we have travelled far.Together, we have faced adversity. Together, we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall for fear's temptations. Be strong. Never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it. Think of the lost soul's we're here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia."

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