Chapter 17: On we must go...

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Amelia couldn't hear anything; not the Witch yelling out orders, the minotaur's roar or the crying of the two Pevensie girls

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Amelia couldn't hear anything; not the Witch yelling out orders, the minotaur's roar or the crying of the two Pevensie girls. Amelia couldn't see anything; her vision became blurry as the tears rolled down her face. Her senses were dull; there was no touch, no smell and no taste of fresh air, however, her mind was racing.

"I trust you will lay down your life in courage to protect them..."

"I need to know that you will fight for them when I can't..."

"What do you feel?"

"Trust yourself..."

They waited for the Witch's army to clear out before they approached the stone table. Amelia walked, only able to focus on placing one foot in front of the other. It felt like a piece of Narnia was missing from the world; like she had lost an old friend. The spirit inside Amelia was mourning, she could feel it. As she walked, she imagined her power like she did with Aslan in the woods. It was no longer vibrant and full of movement, but it was small, stagnant and grey. Her heart could barely pump it into her veins.

As they got closer, Amelia could see the tuffs of hair on the floor. His hair. The lion lay before them, cold, still and never to wake. Lucy rushed to climb the stone steps before she sat beside him - a look of loss on her face. She started fiddling around, grabbing at her waist belt for something. She then pulled out a big vial filled with a honey coloured liquid. Amelia didn't know what it was, but Susan did.

"It's too late," she said, "He's gone..."

Those words pierced Amelia like a dagger to the heart. She wanted to cry, to let the tears fall in hope that they would release the agony inside, but she refused to release. Aslan told her to be strong and now that he was gone, she had to lead their people into battle. She had to protect them, and she would.

Susan joined Lucy on the stone table while Amelia stood before them. Amelia could see the turmoil they were both feeling; they had known the lion for far longer than she did.

"He must've known what he was doing," Susan attempted to comfort Lucy.

The young girl barely registered Susan's words before she broke down in tears. Her older sister joined her as they both lay on Aslan's body. Amelia had to close her eyes, concentrating on staying strong for her people like Aslan would want, but despite all her effort a lone tear managed to roll down her left cheek.

"I have to go," the words left Amelia's mouth before she could even think, "I have to tell the others... it's up to us now. I have to protect them," she looked at the two sisters, hoping they will join her, "The Narnians, they will want to see you. You both will help to ease the grief."

Susan shook her head and sniffled before she spoke through her tears, "Not yet. We'll come when we're ready."

Amelia sent a small smile her way in hopes of comforting the older Pevensie, "Okay," she looked into the trees and had a thought. It was a long shot, but perhaps she could...Silently, through the soil between her and the treeline, she focused on sending her thoughts to the great wood. Surprisingly, she received a reply. Only a hushed whisper, but it was there nonetheless. Turning to the two sisters, she spoke, "The trees. The moment you're ready, they'll guide you back to camp and if there is any news, they will bring it to me." She hugged the two girls, "See you later?"

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