Chapter 8| Aslan's How

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I had only been at the How – a large fortress of stone built around the stone table where Aslan was killed – for a mere couple hours before the sounds of hooves and multiple soldiers filled the clearing outside. I was perched on a stone atop the roof far to the right of the front entrance. The bushes and trees hid me from view, but I could very well see the Narnian Army break the treeline and make their way towards the How. My grip on my knife tightened as I sharpened a few sticks into arrow heads. The moment I felt the anger trickle into my blood I took a deep breath to calm my heart rate. Better than him.

I watched, slightly appalled, as Caspian allows the Pevensies the honor of being the first to enter the How, with him and the rest of the Army following close behind. My eyes narrowed, Caspian's done more for this army than all of them combined.

The stick that I was sharpening snapped in two at my tight hold on it. I let out a frustrated sigh – I needed to learn to control my anger better. Despite all my thoughts about the Pevensies, I could not deny that we needed them. Peter and Edmund were two of the greatest battle strategists Narnia had ever known. Their presence was good for the army, but not for me – however, after hours of contemplation, I decided that I'd be civil towards them until they leave once again, which I was sure they would.

I decided to put my resolve to the test and gracefully bounded across the quarry before entering the How through the secret side entrance hidden amongst the foliage. We needed to start planning our attack, and soon.

The Narnians were alive with noise – as was normal. I stuck to the shadows along the windowless walls, making sure to keep myself hidden from attention. The clangs and booms and bangs reminded of a time long ago when I had spent the night at the Witch's camp.

I caught a glimpse of Caspian disappearing into the Painted Corridor but saw no signs of the Pevensies. Curiosity won a battle inside my head and I followed Caspian into the tunnel.

"'s us," Susan spoke as I silently entered. The pictures along the walls, memories that I had painted myself, seemed to stare at me as I walked. They seemed to shout at me to not throw away something I could never get back. I refused to listen.

I stood behind the five – the Pevensies and Caspian – my presence not noticed in the firelight.

"What is this place?" Little Lucy... How young and naïve you were.

"You don't know?" My voice seemed to escape my lips before I could stop it. Caspian whirled around to face me whilst the other's noticed my presence. All of them bore looks of surprise... and longing, but no one said a word. I grabbed the torch hanging on the wall and gestured for them to follow me – making a point of avoiding the eyes of one dark-haired Pevensie.

Caspian walked alongside me through the dark tunnels. I could feel the brush of his hand on my right fingertips whilst my left hand held the torch. Despite my brain sending off a hoard of warnings, I slowly interlocked his fingers with my own. I recalled how Caspian made me feel the night of out kiss, and suddenly my heart had a longing for his touch. The Edmund drama had distracted me from what I already had – a possible future with Caspian.

We entered a large cavern as dark as my mother's soul until I walked to the edge – taking Caspian along with me – and lit the fireplace. The fire traveled around the room along the fireplace the lined the walls and lit up a large stone carving of Aslan, a face I hadn't seen in a very long time. The stone table was also illuminated, the markings on its edges visible for all to see.

As the light surrounded the room, I took a risky glance towards Edmund, only to find his eyes already fixed on mine and Caspian's joined hands. I looked away quickly, not wanting to seem intimidated by him.

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