Chapter 10: The Gold of Midas

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When Amelia awoke the next morning, it felt foreign. Her eyes still closed, but her mind alive, she noticed the absence of movement. The storm must have passed...

The ship rocked steadily from port to starboard in a constant pattern, almost lulling her back to sleep. She heard the slight whoosh of gentle waves crashing against the hull, and for a moment all she felt was peace. It was a foreign feeling, her body and mind were used to the chaos of the past year. But for the first time in long time, her mind didn't plague her with terrible images and thoughts. She was calm, and she relished in it.

That was until she felt the weight across her waist.

Slowly peeking through one eye, she saw the roof of the crew's cabin above her. The hammock swayed with the ship, and she was reminded of her and Lucy's escapade the night before. A glance to her right saw Edmund and Lucy still fast asleep in his hammock. His hand held hers in a protective brotherly way, no doubt to keep away the nightmares that had plagued the young girl.

But to her left was Caspian, his face a mere centimetre from hers and his arm curled around her body in a steadfast grip. She was no fool. She had noticed Caspian's strange actions recently, but this only made her cringe. She wasn't ready. Not after everything. His touch on her hip only brought her painful memories.

As quickly and stealthily as she could, she lifted his arm and placed it on chest before slipping away and into the corridor that led to the Captain's room where she and Lucy slept with Gale – Amelia had finally learned her name.

Upon entry, she noticed with pleasure that Gale had already left. She quietly shut the door behind her before leaning against it and left out a heavy sigh. Her heart beat was quick, although she was noticeably calmer than what she would've been had it happened two weeks prior. Then a haunting realisation came to her...

When she felt his arm, she only worried about what his touch would cause her to remember, not how he wasn't supposed to be the one touching her.

In fact, in the moment, Edmund hadn't really crossed her mind... only the four men whose faces haunted her at every turn. She felt sick. This could not be happening. Edmund was her rock, her only light in the darkness of the past year. She blamed it all on her rampant emotions. She hadn't exactly been the most stable person recently, and her distraction was simply due to her situation, not her feelings... or so she prayed.

In a few minutes she quickly pulled on a fresh set of Narnian clothing, tied her hair up into a messy braid, grabbed her bow and quiver and was out the door once more. She exited through the cabin and noticed only Lucy remained, the boys probably having left when she was getting dressed. Deciding to leave the girl to sleep, Amelia climbed the stairs onto the main deck where sailors were busy hauling water back into the ocean. A glance upward gave a Amelia a smile – the sky was a clear blue today. A welcomed change after the fortnight of storm. The brightness in the air seemed to aliven the Silvanus aswell, and Amelia found herself flicking her wrist. The movement cleared all the water from the deck, and the sailors sent her grateful smiles. She smiled back before going to the wheel where Drinian was scanning the horizon.

"Morning Captain," she greeted upon arrival, "I believe the sunlight has given us all a new sense of hope."

"Indeed it has, milady," Drinian replied, "We plan to dock at that Island due North, maybe find some supplies to replenish our stores."

With a glance north, Amelia laid eyes upon the piece of land. She cringed. It was just a large patch of brown, and seemed to be volcanic, "That doesn't look very promising, Captain."

Drinian sighed, "No, but I believe the Kings will take anything they can get right now."

Speaking of the devil, Edmund and Caspian appeared from below, their faces freshly washed and their swords strapped on their waists. Edmund rushed to her, and in a completely shocking movement, pulled her in for a very long kiss.

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