Chapter 7: The Beaver's house

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The children trudged on in silence; through the woods, under the trees and below the light of the fading sun. The beaver, who had introduced himself as Mr. Beaver, halted as their group reached the top of a hillside, looking down at a small, frozen pond with a wooden beaver dam right in the middle.

Amelia smiled as she saw the smoke come out of their makeshift, wooden chimney, how queer. As the children and their new, big toothed friend descended the hillside onto the frozen ice, a voice could be heard echoing throughout the small clearing.

"Beaver? Is that you? I've been worried sick!" her motherly voice descended upon their group, "If I find that you've been out with badger again, I – oh," she paused as her gaze set upon the children, "Well, those aren't badgers..."

Lucy gave the womanly beaver a small smile and at this a look of wonder and hope crept onto her furry face. Amelia tilted her head slightly, confused at this suddenly hopeful gaze.Amelia couldn't help but feel that there was more to this story than any of them knew.

"Oh! I never thought I'd live to see this day!" the little beaver rejoiced as she walked closer their group. Suddenly her hopeful gaze set into a very displeased look pointed at Mr Beaver, "You couldn't give me ten minutes warning?"

Mr Beaver shrugged, "I would've given a week if I though it would've helped." Lucy and Amelia giggled along with Peter and Susan while Edmund continued to brood.

"Oh, come on inside and see if we can get you some food," and with a pointed look at Mr Beaver, she continued, "and some civilized company."

Mr Beaver chuckled before he followed Mrs Beaver into their little home. Amelia embraced the warm feeling as she entered. She could feel her skin regain its color as it seemed to suck in the warmth. The cold appeared to be affecting her far more than the others. The thought was rather distressing.

The children all settled around. Susan, Peter and Lucy sat at the small table while Amelia stood behind them with Edmund, leaning against the back wall. Mrs Beaver bustled about, grabbing jams and jellies whilst the rest talked about Tumnus.

"Is there anything we can do to help Tumnus?" Peter asked.

Mr Beaver sighed, "They'll have taken him to the witch's house... and you know what they say: there's few that go through them gates that ever come out again."

Amelia shivered as the beaver's words echoed inside her head. She liked Mr Tumnus, a lot actually, and it would hurt her to hear of him as dead, but she was more worried about Lucy. What would Lucy do?

Mrs Beaver loudly placed a plate down on the table, interrupting her husband, "Fish and Chips!" she announced. Amelia could feel her gaze wonder around the room before it landed on a sad faced Lucy, "But there's hope dear, lots of hope."

Mr Beaver choked on the liquid from his cup before he announced, "Oh yeah, there's a little bit more than hope!" He then leaned forward and said in a quiet whisper, "Aslan is on the move."

Amelia's head shot up at the mention of his name. The lion in her dream...

"Who's Aslan?" Edmund asked. Amelia's heart jumped; he was so quite it seemed like he wasn't even there.

Mr beaver broke out in laughter, "Who's Aslan? You cheeky little blighter!"

When he saw the blank expressions staring back at him he sat back a little, almost in shock, "You don't know, do you?"

"Well we haven't exactly been here for very long." Susan retorted.

The beaver's eyes moved from person to person, before he noticed the look on Amelia's face. The look of recognition. Mr Beaver gave Amelia pointed look and the Pevensies turned to face her. Amelia took in a deep breath as she told them about her dream, "I saw him in a dream two nights ago. I don't know much about him, but he did seem rather... kingly."

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