Chapter 2: The Tale of an Old Soul

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"It was around a year ago during a battle with the giants at the border. Amelia... she was my greatest commander." Caspian's eyes faded as he retold the story in his office, away from the prying eyes of his crew. It seemed to Edmund that he was reliving the whole ordeal, "The 4th legion fought well under her command. We defeated the giants at the base of the highest mountain and were set to return to the castle within a week. Only not all of us returned."

Edmund moved to sit down in a nearby lounge chair, unsure if he would be strong enough to remain on his feet by the end of Caspian's story. "The second day after our victory, the 5th and 6th legions traveled to the nearby towns to gather our food rations. I accompanied them along with my two other commanders. The 4th legion was to remain behind to protect the war camp, but when we returned... only death was waiting for us. Half the legion was slaughtered – their heads cut off, gutted or worse. It was a massacre. The other half was missing. 2000 men and Narnians vanished into thin air. Amelia with them."

Edmund could feel his hands stiffen, his brain already jumping to conclusions, "Only 2 months ago did we discover the truth... slave traders. They had been watching us for days, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Never in all my years did I think the slave trade had such a substantial force. To think they could attack a whole Narnian legion and survive!" Caspian took a moment to calm his voice, "Where did they take them? Where do they come from? My only answer was this..." Caspian shoved a piece of paper across the table towards Edmund who timidly reached for it, only to see a map. The map was of the Narnian territories, but it was filled with markings and notes that Edmund assumed Caspian had made. Except there was one area that circled by a dark red pen; the colour of blood.

"The Lone Islands?" Edmund asked.

Caspian nodded solemnly, "The Lone Islands."

Edmund felt his heart shudder. Slave Trade? For over a year... she could be anywhere in the world... or dead. He refused to let the thought plague him. But then it came again, a flux of pain so pure and deep that Edmund felt as if his heart was being cut out. He closed his eyes, silently praying to Aslan. Please let her be alive... please please please.

Edmund felt the comforting pressure of Lucy's hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry Ed, we'll find her. We have to right. Right Caspian?"

Narnia's King didn't look very sure of himself, "I can only pray that she has lasted this long. A year in the slave trade... I can't image what has happened to her."

Edmund cleared his throat, trying to force back the familiar feeling of tears burning his eyes, "Is that why you're here then? To find her?"

Caspian nodded, "Yes... and something else." Caspian turned to the elaborate display behind him – pictures of several Telmarine men littered the wall. "Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and loyal supporters: The 7 Lords of Telmar."

Edmund looked at the men on the wall, all of their faces grim and hard like stone. She would've called them ugly...

Caspian continued, "They fled for the Lone Islands and no one's heard from them since."

Edmund studied the images once more, "So you think something's happened to them? Something like with Amelia? Slave trade?"

Caspian sighed, "Well if something has, it's my duty to find out."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and the Treader's Captain, a bald man with the strong build of a seasoned sailor, entered. He spoke to Caspian, "Majesty, I was told to be here for the briefing of the King and Queen."

Caspian nodded, "Just in time, Captain."

Lucy, not bothered by the sudden entrance, looked towards Caspian's other map – this one free of markings – and gently graced the Lone Islands with her fingers, "and what's East of the Lone Islands?"

The Captain was quick to answer, "Unchartered waters. Things you can barely imagine; tales of sea serpents and worse."

Lucy glanced at Edmund, disbelieving.

"Sea serpents?" Edmund asked, his head not believing it, but his heart shaking lightly with apprehension.

Caspian waved the man off, "All right Captain, that's enough of your tell-tales."

Edmund was the last one to leave the office. He stayed where he was, seated in his armchair, his mind abducted by the thought of her. Amelia.

His year spent without her had been a lonely one. With his two older siblings out of the house and his constant avoidance of Eustace, Edmund found himself more alone than ever before. The only person who understood was Lucy – the two of them missing Narnia far more than Susan and Pete, the former of which refused to speak about it most of the time. But Edmund was sure Lucy was tired of his sob stories, and quite frankly Edmund was tired of telling them. He just missed her. He wanted to see her more than anything in the world, but it seemed like fate enjoyed granting him half-wishes. Here he was in his favourite place in the world after months of hell... yet she was most likely enduring a pain so deep in a dark place unbeknownst to him. They had switched places. His torture was now over. He was in Narnia with Caspian. He had his sword at his side, the wind in his hair, the ocean at his feet. He was free, but to him, it seemed as if her torture had only just begun.

The silence was broken by the light drop of a sparkling tear.

guyyyyyyyyyyyysssss it has been too long!!

I low key want to delete that note where I was like "I'm gonna update every week" because it really did not happen :D I legit posted one chapter and was silent for two months... life was just like "let's make her super tired and busy and just kill her overall" so yeah, that's my story :D Sorry again for the wait! But I'm not gonna make promises cause we all know what happened last time :P

I know it's kind of short, but what did you guys think of Emund's undying love? Did you love it as much as I did?

Let me know :)

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