Chapter 4| Narnians

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"You can't be angry at yourself Amelia," Trufflehunter tried to explain to me as we sat in our little kitchen within the tree roots, "Trumpkin has always known that there are risks when you join the Narnian force."

I sighed and guiltily gazed at my bowl of soup. Nikarrbrik sat opposite me, but I could feel the anger radiating off of him. I avoided his gaze. I knew he was angry at me for bringing Caspian here and for getting Trumpkin captured, but I had hoped he would see my point of view. To no avail, the dwarf was as stubborn as ever.

Nikarrbrik was most certainly not my biggest fan, not since we met several years ago. His grey beard, dark eyes, and pudgy body had set me off. We were civil towards each other, but it seemed he was one of the few Narnians who has not trusted me once they learned of my position. We couldn't have mistrust amongst the Narnians. Our force was so small already, any mistrust could break us apart.

"I know, Trufflehunter, but I can't help but feel guilty. Caspian was my responsibility, not his. They should've taken me instead, then it would've been fair. Trumpkin is far more useful than I am." I dinged my empty spoon the small wooden table in front of me.

"No!" Trufflehunter raised his voice, something he never did, and reprimanded me, "You are the Silvanus, the most powerful weapon we have. Losing you would've meant losing the war, Amelia. Trumpkin is a smart lad, he'll figure a way out. Now, eat your soup. The day is young, and you'll need your energy when the boy wakes."

I shoved a spoonful of the delicacy in my mouth. My stomach jumps with joy as it finally gets some sustenance. I try to banish the thoughts of Trumpkin getting tortured from my mind and focus on the food in front of me. I was weak and in need of sleep, but I hadn't slept a wink since the night before Trumpkin was taken, and my strength was failing. My job wasn't finished yet.

"Who is the boy anyway?" Nikarrbrik questioned across from me.

"Our last hope," I explained, "I came across a Telmarine professor, he claimed he was of dwarfish heritage and that saving Caspian from his uncle meant peace for all of us. I figured we didn't have much to lose at the prospect of peace."

Nikarrbrik sneered, "Well, I don't trust him; any of them! I don't want any part in this!"

"Nikarrbrik, he's just a boy!" Trufflehunter exclaimed from his place by the stove. He was dishing more food. The badger was clearly getting irritated.

"He's a Telmarine, not some lost puppy! You said you would get rid of him!"

"No, I said I'd take care of him,"Trufflehunter retorted and I smiled gratefully in his direction. I needed this plan to work, if not for Trumpkin then for the rest of the Narnians. I couldn't let Nikarrbrik get in the way, and I needed Trufflehunter to help me make sure he either stays out of it or supports it. Thankfully, it seemed Trufflehunter was on my side, "We can't kill him now. I just bandaged his head, it would be like murdering a guest!"

"Oh, and how do you think his friends are treating their guest?"

I looked down the floor, ashamed at the mention of Trumpkin. Trufflehunter came up, "Trumpkin knew what he was doing, it's not the boy's fault."

As my gaze was set to the floor, I heard a loud oomph before a bowl clattered to the floor and rushed thumps of footsteps echoed throughout the home. In a flash of movement, I stood – bending my head slightly to avoid contact with the roof – and ripped my bow off my shoulder before knocking an arrow and pointing it straight at the heart of the transgressor – Prince Caspian.

The Prince grabbed one of our sticks for the fireplace and raised it to battle with Nikarrbrik who had his sword drawn. They clashed weapons and the sound rang throughout the house and into the day. I pulled back the string but waited to shoot. I didn't want to hurt Caspian any more than he already was. I needed him to be as strong as possible. He was just confused, no sense in hurting him.

Heart and Home~ Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now