Chapter 20: Abandon

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*5 Years Later*

"Morning Love," Edmund entered the dining hall with a bright smile on his face as he kissed Amelia's cheek. In a quirky mood, he sat down and started grabbing at the food before him.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Amelia asked, amused.

Edmund grinned at her, "Thought you'd never ask. Peter just came and told me this morning, we're going to hunt the white stag! It was spotted near the Western Wood only last night!"

Amelia chuckled as his long hair fell into his eyes, "Well, you must enjoy it. The White Stag is certainly a prized hunt, although I don't exactly agree with you killing it"

Edmund shook his head, "We're not going to kill it. It's a mythical creature, I don't even think it can be killed, but Peter wants to catch it. Legend has it that whoever catches the stag will be able to have their wishes granted, and Narnia has a few wishes she would like to come true."

Amelia nodded in agreement before taking a bite out of her sandwich, "I wish I could accompany you guys, but I'm afraid the dwarves in the Shuddering Wood have requested my presence. Apparently some wild boar has gone a bit rogue and took out a few of their men."

Edmund frowned, "it's a shame you can't come" his knife and fork clanged against his plate as he ate. The sunlight streaming in from the window lit up his hair, turning it a dark brown, "It would've been great to get, just the five of us. Aslan knows we haven't had a moment to ourselves since we were crowned."

"Oh, poor King Edmund." Amelia giggled.

Edmund grinned, "Shut up." He quickly swallowed his last piece of toast before getting up and walking over to her side of the table. HE gave her a quick peck on the lips, "If those dwarves give you any trouble, tell them they'll be hearing from me."

Amelia giggled, "Tell the stag the same thing, but he'll be hearing it from me."

Edmund gave her one last peck before departing to the stables where he would meet his siblings. Amelia sighed and got up herself, the dwarves would be expecting her soon.

*Hours Later*

"Oh goodness," Amelia loosened her cloak from her shoulders as she dismounted her horse. The ride back from the shuddering wood was longer than she had expected, "Those dwarves certainly were a handful."

"What happened m'lady?" the stable hand, a faun by the name of Rhodes, asked.

She laughed breathily, "You know how grumpy those people can be. So much ferocity in such small little bodies, I sometimes wonder if there is any room in their heads for some laughter."

The stable hand chuckled lightly, "I'm sure they were quite a handful, m'lady. General Oreius has asked that you please meet him in the throne room before retiring to your chambers."

Amelia smiled at him, "Thank you, Rhodes. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you in the morning, m'lady!"

Castle Cair Paravel was a lot quieter than expected. Amelia awaited the hearty laughs of Peter and Edmund as they joked about the current affairs. She waited for the sound of Lucy's afternoon tea party with all the ladies of the court, or Susan's archery coach yelling out instructions. But to no avail, it was quiet. Surely the Kings and Queens were in their rooms? They wouldn't dare stay out this late in the Western Wood.

Amelia entered the throne room, where the four thrones stood; proudly facing the sea. Amelia could see Oreius near the balcony, overlooking the beach where Aslan had walked all those years ago.

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