Chapter 32

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My flight back to Dres Van with Jan was dreadful. All I wanted to do was cry, but I didn't allow myself to.

I had already cried too much.

However, inside the comfort of my bedroom, I cried. I cried my eyes out until I couldn't anymore-- and until sleep took over me.

The next morning, I didn't see Jan at breakfast. Like the good butler he was. He went back to Altaria to pick up my brother. They wouldn't be back until early afternoon. Just when morning ended.

So, I took that time to walk aimlessly around the Manor.

I had accidentally found my father in the Library.

I tried to keep quiet as I quickly walked out of the Library, but he had already noticed me.

"Katerina," He called, somehow willing me to stop and turn around to walk toward him.

"Father," I forced myself to smile.

"You're home early," He commented as he glanced my way for a brief second. "We were expecting you much later, with your brother if I might add."

I bowed my head, hiding my face in my long violet hair.

"I-I-I wasn't feeling good last night. So I decided to come home earlier than expected," I muttered out, lying through my teeth.

My father either believed my lie or didn't want to call me out on it.

"Are you feeling better now?"

I nodded as I forced myself to look at my father.

"Probably just felt a little homesick after being back home for a while."

"Mm," He nodded as he gestured for me to sit down across from him at the table he was sitting at. "Why don't we talk for a bit," He added forcibly.

"S-Sure," I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "But what did you want to talk about exactly?" I added. "Usually, we just don't talk."

"Lately, no," He agreed as he stared into my eyes as I sat down across from him.

He had made it sound like we talked a lot more before I ran away.

That was probably true.

As a couple of memories popped into my head, I could remember the days that we would hang out.

In fact, we would hang out in this very library...talking about books. Books I that liked. Books that he liked.

Back then we spoke to each other at every moment we had with each other.

However, of course, as selfish as I was, I always wanted more. I always wanted to spend a day with my father-- and my mother. Rather than just half a day or no more than a couple of hours.

Because, knowing my parents-- after that-- they wouldn't be home for a couple of days after spending so little time with each other.

Thinking about my time with my parents before I ran away five years ago, I should have been more understanding, but I wanted more.

So much more than being stuck in the Manor.

I had wanted to go out into the world, even if that was just to the neighboring countries-- and not to the foreign countries.

"What did you want to talk about?" I forced myself to ask my father.

My father smirked.

"Why don't we talk about what happened in Altaria, hmm?" He set down a couple of tabloids and newspapers of Roberto and me.

Of Roberto and me kissing.

Caught at the wrong time.

"There's nothing to talk about that," I said simply. "It was just a kiss."

"Just a kiss," My father raised an eyebrow, amused. "It's never only 'just a kiss' my sweet daughter."

I clenched my teeth together.

"Well, this time it was." I stammered.

There will never be more than a kiss, I thought. At least, not between Roberto and I.

Even if there was more than just a kiss between us-- it wouldn't be any time soon.

The amusement my father had a few seconds ago was gone.

Concern replaced it, and I didn't know why. My father had never looked concerned for me. Well, not since I came home after five years that is.

"Did something happen between you and Prince Roberto?" He asked, getting all fatherly with me.

"No, nothing happened." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from my father.

"Then why do you look like you're going to cry?"

I bit the inside of my cheek from breaking in front of my father.

"I'm not going to cry," I said as I stood my ground. "You're just imagining things."

My father didn't say anything after that. Didn't try to push me. He knew that if I was ready, I would tell him.

And I wasn't ready.

Ready to tell him how I really love Roberto, but he has his harem...and how he has to get married before his birthday...and that's all in a couple of months...and...I'm just...

Just really confused with my feelings for him now.

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