Chapter 16

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Author's Note:

Okay, here's a short chapter for you guys. Sorry that I haven't been updating any of my stories lately. Please do hang in there. I have been quite busy with other things. So bare with me!

Chapter 16

Dinner with my parents and brother was almost done when my father finally spoke.

"While you're confined to your room," He took a sip of his wine. "You should continue where you left off with your Princess training."

I inwardly groaned, but civilly said, "Yes, father."

Joshua's eyes went wide when he heard me say yes. It wasn't like me, I know, but I was tired of fighting with my father. Exhausted even.

My mother was also shocked, but she didn't say anything. Just gave a small smile of approval.

"You'll start tomorrow," My father said before going quiet after that.

I nodded as I finished my piece of chocolate cake.

And so the actual hell begins, I thought that night.

The one thing that I hated more than being confined into my room, it was Princess training.


The next morning, I was woken up by Jan.

At first, I expected my old tutor to wake me up, but that wasn't the case-- and for that I was thankful.

"Wait, is Daisy still here?" I asked out loud.

Jan couldn't help but to laugh.

"No, Your Highness, she doesn't work here anymore." He gave me a cup of tea. "I will be helping you with your Princess Training."

"Oh," I said, sighing in relief.

Daisy was absolutely frightening when I had her as my tutor before I left.

Thank goodness that she's not here anymore, I thought as I drank my morning tea.

Although, Jan wasn't any much better.

He was almost just as strict as Daisy.

Chin in.

Straight posture, straight as a board.

No looking down at my feet while dancing.

His demands just blended all together in the end, making me dizzy.

"Let's end today's lesson here," Jan said as he stopped our dance lesson.

That's basically what he had done for the whole entire morning-- other than working on my posture.

"Will we be dancing again tomorrow?" I asked as he, Kai and Felix escorted me back to my room.

"Yes," Jan nodded. "We'll keep up with the dance lessons until you remember how to dance."

"But I know how to dance," I whined. I couldn't help but to whine.

Jan chuckled. "Yes, I can see that, but you lack the grace that you had five years ago."

"Lacking grace my a--"

Jan cleared his throat.

"After dancing lessons, we'll work on your speech."

I groaned.

Princess Training was slowly kicking my butt.

Be My Princess (FanFiction): Summer in AltariaWhere stories live. Discover now