Chapter 8

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I woke up to someone drawing back the curtains.

Ugh. I rolled over onto my stomach and put my pillow over my head. As you can see, I'm definitely not a morning person, at all.

"Princess Katerina, it's time to wake up." At first, I didn't recognize that voice. Until I realized who it was. Jan. It was Jan.

Of course, he would wake me up, I thought as I took the pillow from over my head and groggily sat up in bed.

He laughed when I gave him the evil eye.

"I see that you're still not a morning person." He commented as he gave me a cup of tea.

"You remember?" I raised my eyebrows as I took a sip of the tea that he had prepared for me.

"Of course," He gave me a gentle smile. "How could I not forget all those times that you threw your pillows at me?"

I laughed as the memories came back. Back then, I wasn't a morning person. At all. However, I wouldn't say that I'm one now. I just...can bear waking up early now.

A maid came in with an outfit for me to wear.

Jan hung the dress in the armoire.

"You'll have a fitting before lunch." He said as he gave me another cup of tea. "Then you'll have proper etiquette after lunch following with dance lessons."

I stopped drinking and gave Jan the half filled cup of tea while I got out of bed.

And so the hell begins, I thought as Jan followed me into the bathroom.

"Shall I draw a bath for you, Princess?"

"No," I shook my head, "but answer this."

He nodded.

"Did my brother write today's schedule for me?"

Jan bowed. "Nothing passes you, Princess." He went to put a fresh towel on the rack next to the shower. "But to answer your question, yes. Prince Joshua did write today's schedule for you. To be honest with you, he wrote this whole weeks schedule for you."

"Why?" I asked incredulously. "He knows that I don't want to do this. Why make me miserable?"

He sighed and gave me a sympathetic look. "Your brother has your intentions in mind, Princess Katerina. It may not look like it, but he does."

"Yeah, I don't think so." I crossed my arms over my chest. "If he really did have my intentions in mind. He wouldn't push me into Princess lessons."

"No one said that you're doing Princess lessons, Your Highness."

"Oh really? So, I'm just doing proper etiquette and dance lessons again for no apparent reason?"

"Like I said, nothing passes you, Princess." He gestured to the shower. "No, please, take a shower." He looked at his watch. "You're already late for breakfast."

"Right," I tried to smile, but it turned into a grimace.

Once Jan left, I took an extra long shower. Just out of spite of my brother.

When I was finished taking a shower, I made sure that I took just as long to get dressed.

I was doing my hair when Jan came in with a tray of food.

He shook his head disapprovingly as he set the tray down on the round table next to the window.

"Prince Joshua would like to see you in his office after you have breakfast." He said before he left the room, still shaking his head disapprovingly.

I finished braiding my hair into an elegant side Dutch braid before I ate breakfast.

Joshua must be pissed, I thought as I found myself just pushing the food around the plate. I did take a long time to get ready.

I chuckled as I looked out the window.

"Did he not think that I wouldn't be difficult?" I said aloud as I stared blankly at the garden below my room. "Probably not, if he wants to see me in his office."


Jan escorted me to Joshua's office after I barely ate breakfast.

He left he at his office's door to get us tea.

I watched Jan walk down the hallway as I debated whether I should go inside or not.

Decisions, decisions, I thought.

"Oh, the hell with it." I quickly ran down the opposite side of the hallway.

There was no way that I'm going to have tea with my brother while he lectured me on be a no show for breakfast. If he wanted to have breakfast with me, then he shouldn't have brought me back to Dres Van against my will.

I was at the Manor's entrance when I saw the guards in front of the only exit out of the Manor--

Only exit? I thought as I went to the garden next to the entrance. If the entrance was the only exit, then how did I run away from here five years ago?

With that thought in mind, I had almost forgot about the secret passage that was hidden by the trees and bushes in the garden.

To my luck, the secret passage was still there untouched.

"Sorry, brother." I looked back at the Manor before I went to town.

I knew that I would be back at the Manor. So I might as well make Joshua and Jan's search all the more difficult.

How does one do that?

Play hide and seek.

Author's Note:

Okay, hoped that you liked this chapter.

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See you in the next chapter, my lovelies!

Be My Princess (FanFiction): Summer in AltariaWhere stories live. Discover now