Chapter 14

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My parents left the Audience Chamber after my father had declared my "punishment".

"You're so dead to me." I hissed at my brother before he could leave the Audience Chamber right after our parents.

"What did I do?" He asked bewilderedly.

Ugh, that's so like him.

"What did you do?" My eyes widened with anger. "What did you do? I'm forever grounded-- confined to the Manor-- because you wanted me to see mother and father. That's what you did!"

He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Did you honestly not see this coming?"


Joshua rolled his eyes.

"This was bound to happen, Katerina." He looked into my eyes. "No matter what, you would have had to come home, which would conclude to you seeing mother and father again. What, did you think that you would never see them-- if you had come home?

I stared back at my brother defiantly.

"That's where you're wrong, Joshua." I seethed. "I wouldn't have come home. If it wasn't for your or Roberto, I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be--"

"Where?!" My brother yelled. "Where would you be right now, Katerina?"

I wasn't expecting my brother to yell. So I stayed silent.

"Answer me, Katerina? Where would you be right now? In an apartment in Charles? Oriens? Where have you been staying in the last five years? Because what Roberto had said when he first saw you, you were so drunk that you could barely walk. Roberto had Alberto to find where you were staying in Alteria, and it was in a motel room. Is that where you've been staying for all these years? Is in motel rooms in different countries?--"

"Stop," I muttered out.


"Stop!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face now. "Just stop talking! You've already made your point, Joshua. Fine, what if I've been staying in motel rooms for all these years?! So what if I got drunk once a day a week?! So what, Joshua?!

"I never was perfect. Not like you. So, just stop! I'm sick and tired of you comparing me to yourself!"

"I'm not comparing you to myself--"

"Yes, you are!" I cut him off. "You just don't even realize it, and sometimes I can't stand it! We all can't follow the rules and regulations like you, Joshua. I thought that I had made that clear to you before!"

Joshua didn't say anything after that, so I took that to my advantage and left the Audience Room.

I bumped into two Guards that I didn't want to see, ever.

My two Guards that had been assigned to me five years ago, and I'm guessing that they were still assigned to me.

Kai and Felix.

"Well, well, look who decided to come back." Felix teased.

Tears were still running down my face when I looked at him.

Kai and Felix were concerned then when they saw the tears.

"What's wrong?" Felix asked.

"The Crown Prince, that's what's wrong." I spat out.


Before Felix could say anything-- and before Kai could even start saying anything-- I ran away from them, toward my room.

I locked myself inside my room for a while.

Even when I didn't want to be in my room. There was still that part of me that did.

Life was sure confusing that way. Or at least, I was.

Author's Note:

Okay, I hoped that you liked this chapter. Sorry if it's so short xD lol.

Also, sorry if it's taking me a long time to update my stories. I've just been really busy with work, and when I do get the chance to write. I end up taking a nap :3 I am doing my best at updating! I really am! At least, it's not taking me a whole entire month to update...ish. Lol

Anywho, see you next times, my lovelies!

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