Chapter 3

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Carter led Sapphire to the guards stationed by the door. He was feeling anxious for Sapphire's response to his proposal. Once he saw her off and as the guards started leading Sapphire away, a maiden rushed to Carter at the entrance. The maiden seemed worried. Sapphire almost tripped over her dress by the distraction of the maiden's tears. The guard on Sapphire's right had caught her around the waist. He nodded towards her and she nodded back. Sapphire then felt her cheeks flush as she looked forward and continued onward. "Sorry," She says as she straightens herself while they walk. Something feels off... Something feels... I cannot quite pin it. But it is most definitely off-pudding. Sapphire shrugs and finds herself at the doors of her chambers. She inhales deeply and enters the room. As she walks in, the guards shut the doors behind her. Sapphire's body jumped slightly, not used to her role. Her role of being... secluded? Would she be isolated in such a manner? She knew she could wander the Temple, but it felt as if everything was off-limits. Her mind traced everything as she paced the room. This has some getting used to. She walks up to the mirror and thinks; I can hardly recognize myself. All the makeup and up-done hair. The most fancy she'd get with hairstyles is either brushed and laid down or pinned up in a ponytail. She sighed and missed simpler things. A knock startles her trance of thought, awakening her to the current world- her everchanging world. "Come in." Sapphire called. In the mirror she saw her brother; Oliver behind her. Sapphire turned around and rushed to his arms. He embraced her in his arms. "I was worried. Carter said you wouldn't be here til the ball came around. I missed you, it's silly. You weren't gone for too long, but I felt it. Every second was miserable and long." It almost felt like tears would stream down Sapphire's face, but she managed to hold them back and keep a straight face. "And Dean?" She asks as she pulls away.

"He... Is in this room..." Oliver trails.

"What room?" Oliver kept silent. "Ollie, what room?" Sapphire gently presses her palms against him and pushes him back. "Ollie, please. You are scaring me." She pushes him again, but he won't budge. A tear strolls down his cheek. "I- Is he dead?" She chokes.

"He isn't dead." His voice cracked. "The rooms where Guardians cannot use magic."

A jolt spread through Sapphire's body. "He's a prisoner?"

"Apparently Dean went rogue-"

"Rogue?" Sapphire felt taken back. "That doesn't sound like Dean."

Oliver cleared his throat. "There is a plague of darkness that has been hitting Guardians for centuries."

"A plague of darkness? No, we would all know about this surely."

Oliver shakes his head. "It is kept mainly a secret because... The entity of this darkness... it is contained by The Temple's Order. They have done many treatments over the years. It's just- they aren't sure of a cure. Dean being contained is what could save him."

"Save him?" Those words stuck in Sapphire's head and echoed. Her face filled with disgust. A plague? There are many things I did not know about. Being in The Temple has changed much of my life in a day. First I am a Sorceress, then I am proposed to. Now, Dean is afflicted by a plague? So much rushes into Sapphire's head. And for some reason, she remembers the Journal that Dean had given her- Like it felt like she was drawn to read it again. There is something here. A sign perhaps? Being in the Temple is like a chess game- only, I suck at chess. But. What is my next move? Sapphire's eyes trailed to the box. Something is off about Carter- I just don't know what. Is he evil? I have this feeling of darkness in him, but anyone can have darkness, and not necessarily be classified as evil. Sapphire sighed. "I will see what I can do. Please, I need you to go." Before Oliver could say anything, Sapphire shoved him out the doors and closed them in his face. Leaning back on the doors she felt an unnerving pit in her stomach. What is going on? She closes her eyes and a moment passes. Then her eyes opened and at that moment she felt a rush. Sapphire darts towards the suitcase positioned outside the closet. Sapphire had previously told the maids that she would prefer to unpack herself last night. The only thing is, she didn't unpack. Rummaging through the suitcase, she creates a mess of clothes and trinkets. There it is! Sapphire grabbed the journal and clung it to her chest. For some reason, I feel... Unhinged? Her hands fling open to one of the ending pages. "Dear Journal," She whispers as she reads the passage. "Today marks a day when we finally won the war. I haven't written much. It's been months since my last entry. I mentioned being stationed in an unfamiliar place. But I want to write again. I need to mark the adventure I have been having... Not only that... There is this girl I dreamt of and I would wake up in the middle of the night crying sometimes. It was hard to sleep in the war. Somehow I managed safely- Feeling I was protected by a welcoming familiar. It sounds crazy. Anyway, the dreams got more visual and I saw her- The one. And I would love to meet her. Just that I don't know how. I feel drawn to her. I feel..." The rest of the words were smudged. "Godwin Bennet." His name wasn't smudged, it was perfectly clear.

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