Chapter 5

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"I am new to my role as the sorceress." Sapphire states. Assassin focuses. Sapphire felt Assassin was sensing something. Sapphire couldn't shake the feeling running down her spine. "There is danger here!" Assassin calls. "Get ready!" She reaches her left hand to her side and a weapon forms from a mist. A scythe. Its pole is silver with black thorns circling around it. The blade is a swirling green and silver- Almost as if something was moving around in the blade. And just like that something plunges through the ceiling and lands in a shadow form right where the chandelier fell. The shadow cleared and in the middle of it all was a man. He has light blonde hair, light brown eyes, and porcelain skin. This man is wearing all black and has a crooked smile on his face.

"Sapphire." The man said and it sounded like two different voices coinciding. "I am a Witch. In fact, the Witch with Element of Darkness." The voices sounded dull and lifeless. "My name is Noah." Noah laughed and Sapphire felt frozen. "His presence is illuminating with this poison..." Assassin whispers to Sapphire over her shoulder. This toxicity... This darkness. It feels cold and so alone. Assassin puts her weapon in front of Sapphire, as assurance she will protect her. Sapphire searched the crowd and it didn't appear anyone was injured. That is good. Carter caught Sapphire's eye. Sapphire saw a spear in his hand with fire encasing it. And right next to him runs up Grayson. In Grayson's hands, it looks like he's holding two icicles. From the stance I feel as if Grayson would attack first, the follow-up will be Carter. Sapphire thought. Within a blink of an eye, everyone had their stances ready in the crowd. Within a wave from Noah, most of everyone was cleared. Monster! Sapphire screamed in her head. Grayson charged in on Noah. And the Assassin synced attacks with him. Noah blocked Grayson but hardly fought off the Assassin. Assassin is incredibly fast. She grazed Noah with her scythe, blood trickling down his arm. Assassin quickly rushed back in front of Sapphire with one jump into what seemed like some sort of mystical ability... More like a blink. Carter rushed to Noah with Grayson for a second wave of attacks. One of the daggers from Grayson's hand pierces Noah's foot. "Arg!" Noah grunts, lifting a hand for another wave. Another dagger formed in Grason's hand to replace the one he threw. Noah then knocks Grayson and Carter down before they can land another hit. They slowly get back up. I must do something! Sapphire screamed in her head. She felt useless. Standing and watching. Watching for what? "No!" Sapphire lets out a piercing scream. That scream echoed through the room. She reaches out her hand and the room shakes with her scream. A barrier forms around Sapphire as she continues to scream, uncontrollably. As she is reaching out her hand, the barrier she unconsciously forms is full of wind and light orbs. "Sapphire. You don't know how to control yourself!" Assassin yells as Sapphire's body starts to feel light. And Sapphire started to float without knowing what she was doing.


Sapphire's eyes close and she brings her hand closer to her chest. A tear strolls down as she feels pain. Pain from her magic? From feeling useless? From seeing people get hurt? She winces in pain and a mist takes form from the wind barrier as it clashes with the light orbs. It felt like everything slowed down to Sapphire. When she opened her eyes- there it was... a light purple color with black clouds around the pupil. Blackthorns inked her skin, tracing from her hands. She waved her hand in the air, casting thorns from the ground. The thorns gripped Noah's legs. Sapphire slowly descends, planting her feet to the ground on impact. She then holds both her hands at her chest and within that moment, Noah screams. Noah's skin starts to encase in the same ink that formed on Sapphire's arms. "Sapphire!" It was Dean. Within that moment her eyes faded to her normal color; hazel. And the ink-looking thorns start to slowly fade. "Dean!" Sapphire calls, looking to where she heard him. But she was instantly horrified. His veins were black and you could see every trace of them. His whole eyes were pulsing between their normal state and an unsteady black. Dean falls to the ground. "Dean!" She rushes to him. "Dean." She cries as she takes his head in her arms. Noah vanishes but Sapphire doesn't care. She got to see Dean even if he was in a horrible state. "I need you to fight, Dean. Fight! Fight this darkness, please." Sapphire encourages as tears stroll down her cheeks.

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