Chapter 29

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Sapphire and Chase slept in the woods together. Steward had brought them fresh clothes and suggested that they bathe in a lake that should be nearby. Chase gathered some wood as Sapphire bathed. She could feel the heat rushing to her face as she thought of the night. Sapphire slept soundly in his arms. Chase thought of holding her all night and how peaceful it was. He barely slept but he felt energetic and confident. They end up meeting in the clearing. "We should find a place to stay. Well, I am sure your friends are worried about you." Chase says as he gathers the wood in a pile. He lights the fire with his magic and looks up at Sapphire. Sapphire wore a lightweight dress, length below the knees. The dress had red rose patterns and it looked as though her trangly sleeves blended in with the roses. Something lit in Chase's face, making him feel warm and nervous.

"Actually, I don't want to go back." Sapphire's voice started to lower. "It is so much pressure and I just want you to know me without all of that. I want to get to know you. My mission can wait."

"Are you sure?"

"I want to learn my magic way better- As you can see, my Archer abilities are not so great."

"I mean it takes practice."

"And that's one thing I want to focus on. Practicing on owning my magic instead of it consuming me. And I would like to..." Her cheeks start to flush as she lifts a hand to her chest. "I would like to explore romantically with you. I know last night was romantic but-"

"Are you saying you'd like to be my girlfriend?"

Sapphire smiles and nods. "It may sound silly but... I can't help but feel..." Sapphire trails off. "I don't know how to put it into words."

"No worries. I would like to think I know what you mean." Chase says as he reaches for the hand Sapphire is holding to her chest. "I have never had romance myself. Even if I had, I don't think anything would compete with how I feel. It sounds insane. We've hardly known each other."

"Speaking of which, what should I know about you?"

Chase squeezes her hand. "What do you want to know?"

Sapphire smiles and throws herself into Chase's arms. She holds him close, pressing her chest onto his. "Why are you so fascinated with me exactly?"

Chase lets out a short nervous laugh as he pulls Sapphire close in his arms. "In all honesty... I've had a rough past. Believe it or not... I am not pure evil- actually, I was kind of trapped into thinking the Dark Guild would be a better-suited life for me. That the life beyond the Temple would lead to disaster. After my parents died, a Dark Guild recruiter claimed their deaths on the temple and its orders- Which I am not entirely sure what happened. I want to find out. Gaelin and Paisley became like my family for a while. But as time went on, I wasn't so sure that was the truth. I am conflicted on the matter." He sighed. "I don't know what to believe in- But for some reason, I can put all my trust and belief in you. I feel as if you are the true light for the new world- A new beginning. I can't help how I feel, I just feel so strongly. Which, I never have. To be honest, I never cared about anything else besides avenging my parent's deaths. I am surprised that this overwhelming weight feels like it's lifting off of my shoulders."

"I am so sorry to hear that you did go through all that and I hope things start making sense for you." Sapphire whispers as a tear strolls down. I need to help him somehow.


Sapphire and Chase talked for hours. They clung to each other as they shared their lives to one another. Assassin appeared to them and suggested a place to stay, she helped them on their travels. For they had to walk for hours on foot. She vanished back to the Summoning world after two hours. But Chase and Sapphire held together strongly with fresh water and a loaf of bread. "This must be it," Chase says as they approach a big inn that follows a city. They checked into a room and slept for a few hours. Sapphire woke up, her body jolting. She looked out the window and sat on the ledge. Sapphire looked at Chase lying peacefully then back out the window. She saw a little girl in a pale tan dress playing in the mood with some boys in beat-up clothing. They laughed and kicked the watery dirt at each other. If only I had friends growing up. If only I had an actual childhood. I know my brothers tried, but... It was always... She sighed and looked at the peaceful sleeping Chase once more. Sapphire nodded to herself, carefully crept to the door to get on her shoes, and snuck out the door. She was greeted by workers of the hotel a few times on her way down the hallway and staircase. What am I doing? She questioned herself as she took each step.

"May I help you with something, miss?" The front desk worker asked.

"I am alright, thank you," Sapphire responded and headed towards the door. I saw what looked like an old training ground on our way here. I need to practice my magic. She headed ten minutes down the rocky trail and spotted a few archery targets that were a little worn. Overall, it looked abandoned and old. So Sapphire sat down in the grass and closed her eyes. She listened to the wind, the birds chirping, everything that surrounded her. She envisioned a light growing from inside her body, flowing through her veins. Sapphire opened her eyes and saw two reflections of herself sitting and staring at each other in a blackened starry-like room. She stood up and these reflections stood up along with her. The reflection on her left had a purple mist forming around her body as the purple-like tattoos were outlining what seemed like veins all over her arms. Black and purple horns stuck out of her head. She had a tail of some sort as well that formed a heart at the end of it. And on the right reflection, a light white mist formed around her body. And she had... what seemed like feathered wings and the body had a golden sparkly reflection. Sapphire grew horrified by what she saw. "Is this... What's inside of me?" She sensed an overwhelming presence. The Sorceress appeared behind Sapphire, lightly touching Sapphire's shoulder.

"This is who you are. The balance of light and dark. The balance of good and evil... The truth behind it is you are an Angel and a Demon."

"I am... What?" Sapphire swung her body away from Sapphire.

"You are a fallen star," Sorceress says. "Your hair and eyes... you are beautiful and cute." A tear strolls down her eyes. "Stars form into Angels. Your father was half Demon- The Summoning Lord is your father. I have been waiting to tell you everything. I am not a full Angel- I cannot form wings since my fall. And there haven't been any Angels since I fell. I've tried searching. But the Sun told me my purpose. I was to have you and you are to have the balance flowing through your veins. Another world will be awakened by my daughter's hand. For my destiny was you and to create the Summoning realm. For centuries I had waited for the right time."

"This..." Sapphire clenched her fists. "Is not the true me."

"This is."

Sapphire closed her eyes and imagined the room to vanish. When Sapphire opened her eyes, she saw the green field. Chase ended up rushing towards Sapphire. "Sage, we need to leave."

"Wha-Why?" Chase grabbed her arm and started rushing away from the town. Sapphire saw the sky filled with smoke. "What is going on?"

"The Temple Ordered the city to be burned down." He gripped a little harder than what he meant to. He loosened when Sapphire grimaced in pain. "I am sorry," He says then continues. "How did they know we were here?"

"They... Knew?"

"I am sorry but we need to return to your friends and comrades." 

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