Chapter 26

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Grayson held Ana's hand on the way. Meredith trailed behind them. And Sapphire walked behind Meredith. There was a pit in Sapphire's stomach and her legs felt like they were sloshing around. "Sage?" Sapphire whipped her head and Chase was behind her. Alaric stopped in his steps and looked past Grayson, Ana, and Meredith. He searched Chase's eyes examining Sapphire.

"Chase, you can come with us." Alaric sighs. "We must continue." He turns and starts walking again. What seemed like an endless walk, Sapphire didn't realize she clung to Chase's arm. With his free hand, he rested it upon one of Sapphire's hands to comfort her. They approached a giant room that was bombarded with guards. A woman in a dark purple and black dress roamed the giant stage.

"Alaric, there you are." A different woman wearing a black-laced red silk ballgown approaches Alaric. She has light brown kinky soft hair, dark brown eyes, and almond skin.

"Miss Paisley, I brought the recruits along with a few Dark Guild members." He knelt before her.

Paisley turned to the woman on stage. "Master, are these the people you asked for?"

The woman on the stage knelt down and nodded. "Yes." She says calmly. "Bring Sage forth, dear." Alaric grabbed Sapphire's arm and snagged her away from Chase. Chase held a hand out, wishing he could help her. "Jace, please grab Mister Waesmys for me. He is in the war room." Jace rushed past the stage. He has light brown thin hair, dark green eyes, and a warm beige skin tone. He walked out moments later with a man that looked like Paisley, but older. Gaelin Waesmys. Sapphire thought as she approached the woman on stage. Gaelin approaches the woman; "Elite," He says and bows. So this is Elite? Sapphire's heart starts to race. Why does she want to see me? Does she know? Am I-

"Sage, is it?" Elite asks as she walks up to Sapphire.

"Y-yes," Sapphire replies.

"I never ask to meet new recruits or many people unless they are higher-ups." She sighs. "There was an incident the other day that I was informed of. These matters normally don't reach my grasp." Elite looks at the ground then back at Sapphire. "But Stella is or was my most trusted secondhand. However, if she forces herself and abuses her power-"

"All of this is because Stella basically sexually harassed me?"

Grayson shifted, uneasy and feeling guilty. I should have been there- It's my job to protect her. He thought, beating himself up over the incident.

"This matter is only pressing to me because... well... Despite being the Dark Guild, we have standards. We shouldn't abuse the power we are given. And we aren't entirely evil- we just want better for life."

"This doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't?"

"Meeting you."

Elite sighed. And whispered something in Gaelin's ear. He rushed off and a moment later some more guards came in. They hauled Stella in with chains around her wrists. She looked beaten and broken. All because of the incident? Sapphire questions. "Stella, you are hereby stripped of your high status and rebranded as a recruit. You have a lot to learn." Elite turns to face Sapphire. "Your incident was one of many and I will not tolerate such behavior." She turns back to Stella. "You will switch rooms with Sage and Grayson. They will have a status above being a recruit but not quite a full-fledged member. That being said, let her go so she can pack her things for the move."


Later that day; Grayson and Sapphire were escorted to a new room. Sapphire didn't like the room because it belonged to Stella. Not only that, this is not their home. Ana and Meredith came into the room later on in the night. "That meeting was strange," Ana states, curling herself next to Grayson on the couch. This made Sapphire confused. Grayson sighed and brushed his fingers through her hair.

"What is going on between you two?" Sapphire confronted Grayson.

Ana sits up. "Should I-" Grayson slowly gets up, gently grabs Sapphire's arm, heads to the bedroom, and slides the door shut.

"You don't want to be with me. You want to be with me. You go on dates. As soon as I try and move towards someone else..." Grayson gritted through his teeth.

"I was on a mission." Sapphire snaps.

"I grew fond of Ana because she wants the Dark Guild destroyed. And she was there for me."

"For what? All of two days?"

"Sapphire, I just want to be happy."

"And I don't make you happy?"

"You and I are two separate people. We never defined a 'us' Saph." He risked saying even a portion of her name. "I care for you but maybe things will be too messy if we pursue each other. I need to protect you. I cannot let my feelings get in the way."

"I can protect myself."

"You need someone to be there."

Sapphire thought for a moment, staring widely into his eyes. "I don't need anybody." Grayson nodded and walked away. He whispered something to Ana, she nodded, and they left the apartment.

Sapphire climbed into bed and cried herself to sleep.


The door slid open, startling Sapphire. She rubbed her eyes and adjusted to the light. Sapphire made out the figure before her. "Chase?" He had a few scratches on him. "Are you alright?" Chase stumbled beside Sapphire, resting his head in her lap.

"I had to defend you." He says calmly.

"Defend me?" Sapphire asks, brushing her fingers through his hair.

"Word spread that you sleep around with just about anyone. I knew it wasn't true. And someone was trying to barge in here before I arrived. But I cut him down." Sapphire shuddered at the thought. "I have been picking fights." He lets a short laugh escape. "What is it about you?" He lifts his head and pushes his body up. Sapphire cups her hands around his face and tears start welling up. She pulls him close and kisses him. Then the moment grows and heats. Chase gently brushes his fingers against Sapphire's skin. His soft touch tickled Sapphire. She smiled in between kisses and he smiled back. Chase's handballs a fist of Sapphire's hair in his hand. Slowly but surely he's on top of Sapphire as she lays comfortably on the bed. Chase takes a moment to examine her beauty and leans in. "What is it about you? That drives me crazy about you?" Sapphire giggles and pulls him in, wrapping her arms around his neck. Chase stops kissing Sapphire and plops beside her. "I don't want to rush things. I want to be the perfect gentleman for you."

Sapphire smiles, turns to him, and whispers; "Thank you." She pauses for a moment. "For defending me."

Chase smiles. "I will always defend you- If you let me." 

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