Chapter 25

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Chase led Sapphire to the rose garden. It was small and not as happy as gardens she had seen before but she couldn't help but appreciate his effort to comfort her. "I can tell you aren't extremely dark like a lot of people here," Chase says.

"And which aspect of the scale do you prefer?" Sapphire responds, shifting to sit on a bench.

Chase sits beside her and leans back. "I don't know. I have had it rough- My parents were killed by the order in front of my eyes. I prefer not to believe in the temple nor its orders." He sighed. "They were good people that stumbled upon more knowledge that the temple felt threatened." He kicked some rubble and placed his hands on the bench. "I want to believe it is good. But after how much death I have seen... People getting away with murder..." He shook his head. "I'm sorry. What a sorry date I am."

Sapphire placed her left hand on his arm and right hand on his chest. "You have feelings." She smiled slightly. "It's completely normal to feel."

"Yeah, but I don't let people in. Why you?"

Sapphire shrugged.

"I feel I can trust you."

"It's good to trust people. But make sure you don't just throw your trust into someone. I have made that mistake." She started to let her hand slip from his chest but he grabbed it.

"What is it with you?" Chase asks, staring into Sapphire's eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do I feel like I can trust you so easily and let my guard down? Why am I so fascinated with you? You have been here only for a day."

"I don't know..." Sapphire trailed off. "I'm not really special."

Chase gave her a smile. "Well, now that is a lie." Sapphire giggled and squeezed onto Chase's hand. "I know we haven't known each other long. And this date is fairly dull but... May I kiss you?"

"Only when the time is right." Sapphire teased.

Chase gave a playful pout and leaned his head on Sapphire's shoulder. He had to scrunch quite a bit since she's a lot shorter. But he wanted a lovely, meaningful moment. All his life he felt threatened and on edge... He loved how easily it was to be truthful and relaxed near Sapphire. "Sage?"

"Hmmm?" She hummed a little.

"I can't wait to get to know you better."

Sapphire felt overwhelmed. "You wanted to tell me something?"

"Ah, all business, eh?" He teased as he sat up. "Well, I would love to be your mentor. But you know that." Chase laughed a short laugh and continued; "I want you to save the Dark Members." He says softly.

"Save them?"

Chase nodded.

"How so?"

"I had a dream a long time ago of a woman that looked like you. I know it sounds weird and maybe this is why I feel I can trust you. You appeared to be weak in skill in the dream but you weren't at all, you had a lot of potential. They are gathering Dark Members against their will to perform a sacrifice just to be in a stupid stone. They are all the D, C, B, and A Tiers." He thought for a moment. "They originally wanted one hundred. But they as of an hour ago have fifty D Tiers, fifty C Tiers, twenty-five B Tiers, and twenty-five A Tiers in the cellars. They say their ceremony will start tomorrow. All that death is so unnecessary..." He trailed. "Why did I even join the Dark Guild? Everything is so corrupt."

"You know if I were a member extremely committed to the Dark Arts, confiding in me isn't the smartest idea."

"That is a risk I am willing to take. Then I would know my dream was wrong and I was meant to die."

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