Chapter 21

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The sky was dark as the stars lit up the sky, Elentari looked out at the darkened sky. She inhaled excessively and leaned against the gate. She clutched her arm and felt a cold chill shiver down her back. A tear strolled down her face. Why am I here? Her mind wanders. How did I get here? And a sting brings her attention. What is wrong with my arm? Elentari lets a small whine escape her breath. She looks straight across. How could I forget? Elentari took a stance to fight. The woman across from her has light brown kinky hair, dark brown eyes, and an almond skin tone. "Where is my sister?" She barked.

The woman laughed. Her laugh was haunting and echoed across Elentari's head. "She is safe."

Elentair's face turns blank. "You never had her."

The woman shakes her head with a widened smile. "I am going to enjoy this." The woman lunges towards Elentari. "Do you know my name?" She asks after she digs her blade into Elentari's stomach.

"No," Elentari whispers. "It can't be."

"My name is Paisley Waesmys. You heard about my father." Paisley withdraws her blade. "I drew you here to declare war. What a pity you were so stupid."

How did I get here? Elentari asks herself before the light fades.


Morning rose and the news broke out quickly of Elentair's death. Elena grew enraged and Sapphire tried to console her.

"I have something to say," Oliver says as everyone is gathered. "Carter is overruling the Dark Elves. Alongside with Elite- In hopes that Elite could grant him power."

Sapphire stood there. "Nothing surprises me anymore. And to be honest I feel like some part of me knew his intent would go further than we thought."

Oliver sighs and looks at Elena. "Elena, your sister was targeted because he had information."


"She stumbled upon information regarding the dark powers. But before she died, she talked with me. It felt cryptic at first but..." Oliver met eyes with Sapphire. "Elite infused darkness powers in Sapphire when she was younger. Our parents died protecting Sapphire from being consumed in darkness- They created a spell to enlighten Sapphire's... Erm aura essentially. Elite wants to rule side by side with Sapphire. She essentially is obsessed with Sapphire."

"Why?" Sapphire asks, holding her right hand to her chest.

"Because of what you stand for."

"And what is that?"

"Enchanting everyone around you."



"What do you mean?"

"Your presence is calming. And you have a heart filled with gold- Always wanting the best for everyone- There is so much more to it. But you are the very opposite of Elite. She has no heart. Her soul- Her entire being is only capable of darkness."

"So she envies Sapphire?" Dean asks with his arms crossed.

Oliver nods.

"So what do we do?" Dean throws his hands in the air.

"We need to make a plan and take action to protect Saph-"

"Oliver? Dean? We shouldn't stray from our main objective."

Dean turns his head to Sapphire. "And what exactly do you think that is?" He scoffs.

Sapphire glares at Dean and then faces Oliver. "Your priority shouldn't be protecting me. I can infiltrate-"

"Woah, woah, woah." Dean waves his hands. Sapphire snaps her attention to him. "We will not let you leave our sight."

"Well. I am afraid you don't have a choice."

"Who died and made you a leader?"

"Who is our leader? We never appointed one. Maybe I should start the rally since I am the center."

"The center?" Oliver asks.

"How else would you put it, Ollie?" Sapphire sighs. "I am always in the center of everything. I am supposed to have great power. I am..."

"You are the balance."

"The balance." Sapphire sighs.

"No, Sapphire. You are the balance to the light and dark magic - It was in my book I read but it didn't make sense." Oliver says. "It said..." He snaps as if he will recall the words. "It said... That the Gem in the center of the... errr... Pentagram is the... urm... Balance? Yeah, the Balance between the light, and the dark."

"The pentagram?"

"The Elements to Witches is referred to as the Pentagram."

"Okay, what is with the balance exactly? I feel like I have heard of it."

"You control all elements and convert them into light or darkness. You have the power to heal or destroy."

Sapphire shakes her head. "We can look into it more to make sense of it. But I need to prioritize infiltrating Elite's army."

"Aren't you worried she will acknowledge your presence?" Dean asks.

"I may have an idea on that," Elena says.

"Please, elaborate," Oliver says.

Elena almost felt hesitant. "I spoke out of turn. It was an idea that brushed my mind. But now I regret saying anything."

"Please, say," Sapphire says.

Elena nods. "There is a necklace that can suppress your aura essentially- you can still use your powers. But nobody can actually sense your true potential. A high-class Witch can appeal as a low-class Witch."

"So Sapphire wouldn't count as an S tier- we are assuming she is in that tier," Oliver says.

"It could make her appeal as a C or D tier." Elena ensures.

"I would love to!" Sapphire exclaims.

Grayson walks into the room with his eyes grazing the floor. "Then I will join you. Before you deny this- You have no choice in the matter."

"I agree with Grayson," Oliver says. "You will need someone with you- to protect you in case-"

Sapphire raises her hand and sighs. "I don't think I need protection."

"But I don't think you can protect yourself," Elena says. "You still aren't sure how to use your powers. And you cannot risk making yourself known."

"She is right." Oliver butts in.

"Please. I need to be able to do things for myself." Sapphire tears up.

"Even the almighty rulers- Anyone really, they need help," Elena says softly and tries to comfort Sapphire.

Sapphire brushes Elena off. "Fine," She whales loudly. "Grayson can join me. But we both would need access to those necklaces."

Elena nods. "I will put in the request to the Elven Sanctuary."

"The Elven Sanctuary. Much knowledge is locked up here and many projects get worked on here. Not much is known outside of the Elves. " Oliver says.

Elena lets out a small laugh. 

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