Chapter 14

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Sapphire had a mix of emotions. But the one that stuck out to her was regret. Regret that she hardly knew Claire- how could she call her her best friend? Sapphire felt that the time spent with Claire was little to none. And that life was occupying them in separate ways. Iris stopped at the dungeon in front of some bars. Sapphire turned to see the man behind the bars and was immediately stunned. She had seen him before... But where... When... How? The man has medium ash color wavy hair, blue eyes, and an ivory skin tone. The man seemed to recognize her as well. "Let us be," Sapphire says and Iris walks off.

"If you need me-"

"I'm fine, thanks." Sapphire holds a hand to Iris without looking away from the man. Once the door shuts, Sapphire speaks again; "Who are you?"

"I could ask you the same." The man said as he leaned against the left wall.

"I hear you are a hunter."

"Are you one of them?"

"One of who?"

"A bloodsucker."

"I am not one."

"Yeah, right. Why are you here then?"

"Because I need them to help me."

"Help you?" He laughs.

"What is so funny?"

"The thought of them helping you. Unless you are evil too."

Sapphire shakes her head. "What is your name?"

"Why would I tell you?"

Sapphire sighed and put her hands on the bars, gently pressing her fingertips on the metal. "When I walked in here... I got a familiar presence feeling. I feel I can trust you- Even though I don't want to. You killed my best friend."

"I thought she was a vampire. But she is a Witch. So I killed a monster either way." He gets closer to the bars. "You do seem familiar too." He shrugs it off. "But maybe it is some sort of sorcery. Are you a Witch too?"

Sapphire clenches the bars in her hand. "You-" She sighs and lets her hands slip from the bars. Wait. "I will be back." Sapphire steps in the hallway. "Iris," Sapphire says as the dungeon door shuts. "I need you to tell Dean to get the notebook. It's on the nightstand."

"Okay..." Iris seemed uncertain but wanted to please Sapphire. So she rushed off. Sapphire leaned her head against the wall as she waited. Tears started falling down her face. I guess it didn't sink in. She thought. After a few moments, Dean approaches Sapphire with the journal. "Saph-"

Sapphire presses her hand on Dean's chest and looks down. "Please, don't say anything. I don't need you to console me."

Dean nods. "Why do you need the journal?"

"I wanted to check something out. Just some gut feeling of mine." Sapphire wipes her cheeks. "I shall test it out." She turns her heels and slips through the dungeon door. Sapphire inhales and then puts the book behind her back. "So, are you ready to tell me your name?"

"Why would I give you that?" Sapphire nods and pulls the journal before her. "Wait-" The man's face turns pale. "Where did you get that?"

"So it is yours? You are Godwin Bennett?"

The man sighs. "Yes, why do you have my journal?"

"I think that I have your future journal."

"What do you mean?"

"In your journal, you mention a Sapphire Evans."

"I don't know a Sapphire Evans."

"Sapphire Evans is me." Sapphire lets a small, awkward laugh escape. "It may seem weird, but you have appeared to me in a dream."

Godwin looks at the ground. "I had a dream about you as well." He looks at her left hand. "And that ring." Sapphire had almost forgotten about the ring. "What is that ring for? Are you married?"

Sapphire tilts her head back. "I made some poor choices. Now to be able to get rid of them, I have to crush them." She looks back at Grayson.

Grayson steps forth to Sapphire. She steps away from the bars. "Now, I would love to ask you. Who are you exactly? I cannot change the fact that I killed your friend. But I am a hunter..." He trails off as he notices Sapphire's face turn pale. "I am sorry."

Sapphire shakes her head. "Why are you apologizing?" She sniffles. "It's in your nature."

"I just..."

"I am a Witch. But not an ordinary Witch. Apparently, I am super powerful- Though, I do not feel like it. I bet you wish you could kill me."

"Eliminating you isn't my priority."

Sapphire sighs. "Then what is?"

"I feel like my duties as a hunter aren't as important. I feel drawn to you. Are you casting some sort of spell?"

"I don't know any spells that would allure people to me."

"What about my dream?"

"Well, I had a dream as well. Plus I don't know that kind of magic."

"What magic do you possess?"

"How much do you know?"

"I know there are higher class Witches. As well as elemental Witches. We have done our research."

"I see." Sapphire slips him his journal through the bars. "I will let you read it. I have read it plenty of times. But I am going to go."

"Wait!" Sapphire just heads out of the dungeon, ignoring his call.


Sapphire heads to where they prepped Claire up. She looked so peaceful. Sapphire asked to be left alone with Claire. She wanted to say goodbye. "I'm sorry Claire, I wasted so much time with Grayson." She sighs. "Claire, we hardly got to know each other. Claire, there was so much I felt you were hiding..." She trails off as she sees Claire's ears. "Are you... An Elf?"

Claire's eyes open slowly. "Sapphire." She says quietly. "I need to-"

"Claire? You aren't dead?" Sapphire laughs, hysterically.

"I was. But your tear healed me- I learned a lot when I was dead."

"Claire- I-"

"No, you need to hear this." Sapphire just stared at Claire. Claire sat up slowly. "You don't need to try for your powers. Your powers are actually very simple for you to use. You just need to have faith in yourself." A tear strolls down Claire's face. "But you are only holding back because of your fear for magic. Some part inside you knows that you are the balance between dark magic and light magic. A part of you is afraid the darkness will hurt you and those you love. You need to access your magic sooner rather than later, Sapphire."


Sapphire woke up, panting. "Claire," She cries. "Come back to me."

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