Chapter 2

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Everyone took the news differently.

Her mother is all the family she had. She kept comforting Freen.

Her best friends Nam and Noey just kept gasping in shock and repeatedly asked Freen if she was sure of what she told them.

Billy kept silent mostly until Freen could hear his voice breaking and finally letting out loud sobs. Freen had sobbed along with him.

Saint lost his parents a long time ago. He was just five when he got into the foster system. So, there was no one else to inform about Saint's death except her mother, his best friend, Billy and her friends.

Saint's wake is a simple affair. Her mother, Billy and his wife, Kade are in attendance. Some of Saint's colleagues, Nam and her husband Dew. Noey and her girlfriend Mind. Technically they are Freen's colleagues as well since they work together in the architecture firm.

"Are you okay?" Nam approaches and asks her friend.

"You don't look like the mourning widow the way you were accepting everyone's condolences." Noey adds.

"Are you telling me I'm not crying enough?" Freen frowns at her friends.

"No. I'm just saying you look distracted." Noey highlights.

Freen grasps the black phone in her hands tighter. Indeed she was distracted. She can't stop thinking about what is in Saint's mysterious phone. She has been staring at his body in the open casket, thinking how she is going to touch him, holding his thumb to unlock the phone? What is she so afraid of? Her husband's cold dead body or the truth inside the phone?

Nam seems to notice the phone in her hands and asks. "Is that his mysterious other phone?"

Freen nods.

"Have you unlocked it yet?" Nam asks.

Freen shakes her head.

"Well, what are you waiting for? His thumb is right there!" Nam nudges Freen.

"How? Everyone will stare!" Freen shakes her head.

"Just pretend to cry and hug his body while you take his thumb and unlock the phone! You're grieving. They won't notice you doing what you must do with the phone!" Nam suggests.

Count on her quick-witted friend to come out with this. Freen nods in agreement as she approaches her dead husband lying peacefully in the casket. Seeing him, suddenly guilt and grief takes over and she leans into the body crying softly. That is real. At the outburst of tears coming out of her she almost forgot the main purpose. Before getting up, she holds his right hand and places his thumb over the phone. It unlocks.

Freen quickly walks out of the church. She checks the phone in a haste. Call logs are full of just one name - Becky. Just simply Becky. No last name.

She decides to check the media gallery. Freen finds herself catching her breath as she sees loads of photos of a very pretty brunette...and some with Saint where they looked very intimate together.

"Check the video, Freen."

Freen almost jumps in surprise when Nam appears looking over her shoulder and asking Freen to click on a video.

"You scared me!" Freen scolds.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to leave you alone?" Nam checks.

Freen considers and realizes she would want some support this time since she regretted not having them when she was at the morgue identifying her husband's body.

"No. Stay." Freen asks of her friends as Noey also joins them. The three of them watch as Freen clicks on the video.

It was Saint who was filming the brunette. She was slim and tall. Saint had filmed her sexy naked back as she got out of bed and put on a sundress, then she walked out from a yellow painted house towards a greenhouse. There was an excited cute little dog wagging its tail at her feet.

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