Chapter 17

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Freen wakes up to bright sunlight cascading over her face, she extends her arms to try and grab her phone on the bedside table. Once she gets hold of the phone and looks at the time, she immediately jumps up on the bed.

"It's 10 am." She yells scrambling to get up and grab her things.

"What's wrong?" Becky asks waking up from her sleep.

"I'm late for work and Lyra's late for school.

Lyra!" She calls.

Becky looks at Freen a little amused, "I took her to the bus at 8:30 am and came back to bed."

"Thank goodness." Freen says releasing a deep sigh.

"Did you burn all of my clothes?"

Becky chuckles and nods, "But you can borrow something?"

"Something for a meeting with architects?" Freen frowns.

"Let me think.

No." She says with a mischievous smirk.

"Don't worry, I'll go by my place." Freen says as she dials someone on the phone.

"Nam! I saw your missed calls." Freen puts on her shoes and runs to Becky's side, placing a kiss on her cheek as if it was normal.

"I'm at the doctor's, but I'm on my way. I'll be there soon." And just like that Freen is out of there, leaving a very confused and flustered Becky behind.

"Bye." She says tracing her hands on her cheek where freen had kissed her.


"Becky?" Freen calls shocked to find Becky at her office.

"I'm sorry to come unannounced."

"No. It's fine. Is everything OK? Is Lyra OK?" Freen asks worried.

Becky chuckles and shakes her head, "Everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to you."

Freen frowns in confusion, "You could've just called or texted me to come over. I would have."

"I know. I just didn't want to wait." Becky replies, biting her bottom lip for a second.

"Alright. I was going to have lunch. Join me?"


Once they settles down on the table Becky starts speaking,

"You look...amazing. Bossy." This was the first time that Becky had seen Freen in her work clothes. And damn she was sexy! Becky shamelessly stood at the office earlier gawking at her before Freen spotted her.

Freen immediately gets flustered, her cheeks changing it's colour, "But I'm not the boss."

"I know." Becky says grinning.

"What?" Freen asks noticing the pair of eyes on her.

Becky shrugs, "What? I'm just looking at you."

"More like staring."

"So what? I can't look at you now?"

"Not while eating. I feel self conscious." Freen says, her gaze breaking away from Becky to look back at the food.

"Do you know? You can tell how someone fucks by how they eat." Becky says nonchalantly which shocks Freen who chokes on the food in her mouth, Becky immediately reaches for the water and hands it to Freen, trying so hard to suppress her laugh.

"Who came up with that?"

"It's true." Becky says smirking.

"People who make piles and separates their food on the plate, how do you think
they'd take off your panties?"

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